Chapter: 23

598 29 21

DAY: 288

Winter Soldier

Several days passed since I came back home to Lark. Strange stopped by a few times to meet with Lark, but she didn't really want to have anything to do with him. She thought that it was pointless. She knew as well as I did that the Aether was hard to cure and control. No matter what anyone said there was no real cure for it, there was no real antidote to save her life. So when Strange wanted to meet with her the previous day she told him to buzz off.

Lark was easy to accept that one day the Aether could kill her. But I wasn't so easy. I was stubborn. She hated that I continued to look for something that one could never find her lifetime. She wanted me to accept it like she had. But I couldn't. I didn't want to live in a world without her, no matter what she said or told me. Lark was my world, the one I wanted to be with for the rest of my life. Until the end.

I sat on the end of the bed as Lark walked out of the bathroom, pulling her shirt down over her belly. She caught me staring at her.

"What?" she asked me.

"Nothing." I said, smiling.

"Then stop staring at me." she said.

"I will when you stop being beautiful." I told her, taking her hand, pulling her over to me. "I suspect that to be never."

"Ha ha. Very cute." she said sarcastically.

"How do you feel today?" I asked  her. Lately Lark hadn't been feeling 100% so I'd been keeping up with her, making sure she had everything she needed.

"Fat." she answered. "I know a lot of pregnant women say it but I can finally see why."

"Why's that?" I asked her, as she let go of my hand and sat on the bed beside me, then laid out on her side.

"Because I feel like I'm being stretched out beyond my max, like this little person is trying to make more room for his or her self." she said, she pulled her shirt down over her stomach again.

Lark's shirts were getting smaller around her stomach so it was harder to keep it covered, though I never objected she seemed to prefer having it hidden.

"I was thinking of names again." she said.

"Oh really?" I laid down next to her.

"I still like the name Evey." she told me. "But I want to rethink a boys name or come up with another one."


"I was thinking of William or something."

"You like the name William?" I asked her.

She laughed, "I'm not sure anymore. I don't know what names I like and what names I don't like."

"Okay, so William and what else?"

"What do you think?"

"I do like the name William." I told her.

"So William or Evey then?"

"William or Evey."

Lark and I had talked names for months, sometimes for days and days. We could never decide which we prefered more, but somehow the name Evey stuck. 

I woke up in the middle of the night to Lark waking up startled from a dream. She told me that she felt pain in her back and her hips and she was very uncomfortable. As much as I tried to comfort her and help her to relax it did not seem to help. So I got up and decided to call on Banner for advice. Lark got up from bed and walked around just a little bit, from the bathroom to the window, back and forth as I sat on the edge of the bed and watched her.

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