Chapter: 3

1.1K 39 4

DAY: 189


I woke up in a cold sweat from a bad dream. I shrugged off Bucky's jacket and stood up from the bed that I laid in, I leaned against the wall with one hand and the other against my back. I felt sore all over my body. Probably because of the way I either slept of how I was sitting earlier.

But the rememberence of my dream kept swirling through my eyes. It was Bucky looking straight at me as he held a knife to my throat and begged me to scream for him. I kept telling him no but my father kept pressuring him to keep asking me over and over again until someone said 'enough'. I don't know who it was but the person who said it sounded like they had been crying and screaming. It could have been anyone. It was just a terrifying image to see the one person I cared about more than myself trying to hurt me in some way.

"Hey, you okay?" I turned my head to the door, Remy was there, he looked tense and a bit nervous, his hands were fists at his sides.

"Yeah." I answered him with a nod. "I'm fine."

I stood back from the wall and dropped my hands down to my sides.

"Something wrong? You were leaning againt the wall, was worried something was going on." he stepped into the room slowly, cautiously. "Is it your baby?"

"No, I'm alright." I told him. "I promise. If something was wrong you'd probably catch onto it quicker."

I walked back over to the bed and bent over to pick up Bucky's jacket when I felt a sharp pain in my back, I stopped and stood back up quickly.

"Nope, screw it. Ow." I bent over the bed, leaning against it carefully, and rubbed my back where it hurt. Remy walked over behind me.

"Where does it hurt the most?" he asked me.

"Wait, what are you doing?" I asked him.

"Just tell me where it hurts." he told me.

"Here," I said, rubbing my hand over the spot.

"Okay, here, sit down." he told me. I sat down on the bed, sitting in the center and Remy sat down behind me. I felt his hand rub into the spot, his other hand held onto my shoulder.

"Just tell me when to stop or if I'm not getting it."

I nodded. Remy's hand moved down slightly and it hit it spot on, at first I flinched but then it started to feel better. It actually felt really good.


"Right there." I said. "Where did you learn to do this?"

"Saw it on TV." he answered, I heard the smile in his voice.

"Liar." I laughed quietly.

"Actually, you're right. I was lying." Remy laughed too. "Actually I learned it from a friend. He had a job as a sports therapist, so he knew how to treat certain injuries. I had a back injury and his assistant showed me how to do it."

"Ouch." I said. "Back injury?"

"Yeah, several years back after I took a dive off a building. It doesn't hurt anymore, if you're concerned about that." he assured me.

"A dive off a building? What stupid idea was running through your mind?"

"I was going after a friend. I landed on my legs wrong and fell over, hitting some railing. I managed to break the railing pretty well and my back hurt like heck." he said. "But my friend was able to help me out pretty well, sounds kind of awkward coming out of my mouth but I just helped."

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