Chapter: 14

740 33 16

DAY: 270

Winter Soldier

We reached the island by early morning. The woman was just starting to wake up on her own, without the sue or any drugs at all. I carried her off the jet, gently and slowly. There were huts that faced a beach. There were only three of them, which lead me to believe that there were purposes to each of them, not just for a residency.

"Middle hut is for her, the other two are for everyone else who's staying." Elisa told me.

"Which would be?" I asked her. The woman in my arms opened her eyes and hazily glanced around.

"Mr. Treadwatter and you will be the only ones on the island until she's enduced. When that happens then a team of medics will be flown in to help." Jack said, I hadn't realized that Jack was with us.

"Where am I?" The woman asked. "Where have you taken me?"

I stopped walking and moved to set her down so she could stand. The blanket dropped away from her shoulders and Jack came up from behind and cuffed her wrists. The woman looked everywhere, up, down, left and right. She looked confused and yet heart broken.

A jet just suddenly flew over our heads, landing down along the beach. Four people unboarded the jet and started walking towards us. One of them was the man from the camp, the short haired blond man.

"Steve!" the woman called. She lurched forwards, pulling against the restraint of the cuffs and Jack.

"Lark!" the man was held back as they kept walking. Both of them looked at each other, the man named Steve looked angry but also concerned.

"Well apparently you can add him to the roster." Elisa said.

The men that were holding Steve back stopped him and kicked him down to his knees. Steve looked at the woman beside me, Lark, and only her.

"We have orders from Treadwatter to transport him here." one of the guards said to me. "Well lock him up in one of the huts or at the post if you prefer it."

"In the hut as Treadwatter ordered." Jack told them.

The guards started to drag Steve towards the hut when he broke free of them.

I walked over just before he was going to punch one of the guards in the nose and grabbed his fist, he froze instantly.

"I wouldn't do that." I told him. "You do that I'll have no other choice but you kill the woman."

"You wouldn't do that," he said. "You're too much of a man to do something so arrogant."

"You want to bet?" I twisted his arm around and slammed face first into the sand, pressing my boot against the back of his head just enough that he could still breath but enough that there was sand in his eyes.

"Bucky, we need that man alive." Jack shouted. "He has evidence and the locations to all the refugee camps. You kill him we lose it all."

"How do we know that he's the only one?" I called back to them, lifting my foot just a little.

"Our men have closed off the camp, searched through each of the tents and prosecuted each of the people that was there, men, women and children." Jack said. "Each one new very little about the other camps. Steve here said he knew the most, told us he was valuable to us. We already know that he is."

I stepped back from Steve and walked back over to Jack, taking the girls arm and walking her forwards. Steve was pulled up to his feet, hand cuffed and dragged into the hut, the same one I was taking the girl into. They were both going to be held prisoner, until Treadwatter arrived to his part of this plan.

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