Chapter: 11

761 31 12

DAY: 215

Winter Soldier

Lark sat back against the headboard, her legs pulled tightly up to her chest and her hood pulled over her head. She stared out the window.

I had never seen her so scared or depressed like this before. It unnerved me and made me feel helpless. I stood there in the door way of the room quietly. I knew that she could see me, I wanted her to know that I was there. That I was still looking out for her in one way or another.

Thunder crashed above the house and Lark snapped out of her daze and looked around. She almost seemed lost, like she had no clue where she was or how she got there. Lightning flashed and she flinched, wrapping her arms tight around her waist, leaning her forehead down against her knees.

I wanted to comfort her, to hold her in my arms until she fell asleep but I had to let her be strong on her own for once. I knew that's what she wanted from me. I knew that she wanted to face her own fears for herself, not at the hands of another person. She had so much on her mind, so much to deal with that it was overwhelming and it clouded her mind.

She just wasn't the same anymore. Steve could see it the same as I. He knew that she was changed and that there was no going back for her. Especially now that we had something else to worry about in our lives.

When she told me the news. . . when she told me what was happening to her body I knew that it wasn't my time to back out anymore. I had to be there for her, I always had to be. But seeing her like this, seeing her like she was lost and afraid of everything tore me apart and I couldn't just stand by anymore. I couldn't take it.

The thunder crashed again and I saw her fingers dig into her sides. I walked over to her, quickly climbing onto the bed beside her and pulling her into my arms. She cried, silently, her body shaking and hands gripping onto whatever it was they could find.

"I've got you." I told her. "I've got you, Lark."

"Don't let me go." She said, taking in a deep breath. "Please."

I didn't know what to say to her at first, whether or not I should speak to her. But I nodded and kissed the side of her temple gently.

"I'm not going to. I promise." I told her. "I'm not letting go."

I held Lark until she fell asleep in my arms, she laid with her head upon my chest. I sat there awake, knowing that she'd eventually wake up. from a nightmare or just a dream.

"Bucky. . ." she said. I stroked her hair. Already feeling tired myself, like I had to sleep or rest my eyes.

"Bucky. . ." I heard her say it again, only softer.

"Bucky, wake up." So soft and light.

"Bucky, come on." Familiar and gentle. Why was it familiar? Why was it so comforting to me?

I lifted my head and opened my eyes, sitting back up against the wall. A woman stood there, blonde, fair skin and almost startling blue eyes. She was smiling at me.

"Hello there sleepy head." she said. "Welcome back."

She opened the bars to my cell and slipped inside, shutting them behind her.

"Who are you?" I asked her.

"You don't remember me?" she asked. "Come on, you have to know who I am."

"I'm afraid that I don't. Either tell me or leave me alone." I said. "As you can see, I'm in no mood for this."

"My names Elisa. I'm Jack's cousin." she told me.

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