Chapter 21

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Yoongi P.O.V.
I was shocked by hearing her story,it wasn't anything that I'd have been expecting. It was surprising the fact that no matter how much she's running from her feelings,they won't leave.
I wanted to hug her and tell her that it'll be alright from now on,but I had to keep my patience.

Y/N P.O.V.
Yoongi seemed shocked,so you decided to break the silence and ask:
"Will you run away from me now,that you know how much I like you and how my feelings nearly drove me crazy?I know you can't understand,even I can't understand myself,but I can't help it,I tried to stop it,but I couldn't.Just,please if you want to leave,then leave,but before please tell me how you feel towards me and don't tell anyone what I've told you."
"Why do you think I'd want to run from you?"he asked confused.
"Because all this situation is fucked up,all of this is a bullshit,a childish bullshit,a game of my feelings,playing by my heart,that I can't figure out,that I can't understand and I'm embarrassed of these feelings that have been haunting me for years now."you responded.
"There's nothing to be ashamed about.This is your heart and your feelings and you don't have to run away of them.It's alright since we are all human and we all have issues in understanding ourselves,but we have to try at least."he said witha reassurance smile.
"So,you're not angry at me...or amused by my stupid story?Won't you leave me?"you asked still suspicious.
"No,I'm not angry,or amused and there's no way I'd leave you."he said.
"But why?"you asked.
"Because I like you too and I want to help you understand your heart and I also want you to help me understand my heart."heard,suddenly,with a shy voice and a hint of pink appearing onto his cheeks.
Wait!Is Min Yoongi blushing while telling his feelings?Awwwww,he's so cute.
You thought as you tried to calm your heartbeat with your now flushing a bright red cheeks as the blood rushed up to your face.You were taken aback by his confession.
"Hey! Y/N! L/N Y/N!!!"Yoongi woke you up from daydreaming.
"Y-yeah?"you stuttered.
"So,do you...umm...w-want to be my...uhmmm...girlfriend?"your eyes shot wide open at his question.You turned redder,if that's even possible,but managed to speak:
"O-of course..."you tried to come back to normal,but you weren't able since you were in cloud nine,it was the best day of your life and you'll never forget it.
He seemed genuinely happy as he smiled the sweetest smile that you've ever seen:his perfect gummy smile which melted your heart every time you saw it.

A/N:Hi,dear readers,the next chapter will be an Epilogue,hope you have enjoyed my story so far.
💜 u!

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