2| Insecurities

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"Jimin, this is Jungkook. I'm sure you've heard of him before," Seokjin said when his friend joined the little group.

"Of course, who doesn't know the Jeon family?" The model smirked and took another sip of his expensive champagne, not taking his eyes away for once off the man who was staring at him. He definitely felt a little tipsy now.

"Park Jimin," Jungkook began, "I recently attended one of your shows. My daughter paid more attention to your face than the clothes you were wearing."

Jimin raised his eyebrows.

"That's actually offensive, I'm hurt," Namjoon joked and earned a laugh from the group.

"I didn't say it was your show," Jungkook grinned. "Don't worry, Haeun loved your work."

"That's her name? Haeun? How sweet.."

Jimin lied. He didn't like kids at all. In his eyes, they were annoying and needed too much attention. Being a father seemed impossible to him.

"You already have kids? Aren't you in your mid twenties, Jungkook-ssi?" Taehyung asked and glanced at Jimin who was just as curious as he was.

"I'm twenty-six , but my wife is two years older than me. She really wanted to have a child."

"How boring." Jimin crossed his arms and Jungkook glared at him. "Don't get me wrong, but I just can't imagine sitting at home all day. I'm always focused on my career and enjoy to be around my friends."

"Relatable," Taehyung agreed and smiled at his friend. The two of them loved having fun, but never really liked the thought of being committed to someone else.

"Well, you guys haven't even turned 24 yet. You don't have to worry about that for now," Seokjin commented. The three of them have always been a family and Jin usually took on the role of a mother figure. He didn't like the idea of his younger brothers being in a serious relationship, just like a mother who hates seeing her children grow up. Jimin and Taehyung definitely needed his approval first if they ever decided to get married too.

"Honey, let's go meet my parents. They wanted to see you again," Seokjin said and took his lover's arm.

"Sure. See you later!" And so the three of them were left alone again. "Okay, I really need to greet a few people too," Taehyung told Jimin and the latter understood what his best friend was trying to do. When he left, there was an awkward silence.

"So..you wanna go get another drink?" Jimin suggested and grinned at the older who returned his look.


"That's crazy, Jimin-ah. I can't believe these stories are real!"

Right after Namjoon's welcoming speech and a few short conversations with other guests, Jungkook and Jimin were having a good time sitting by the pool and talking about life. They clicked immediately and enjoyed each other's company. The doctor never wanted this night to end.

Jungkook touched Jimin here, Jimin brushed a hand over Jungkook there. The model was being playful and liked teasing the older one who gladly participated in his little game.

They were both flirty and Jimin couldn't help but feel attracted to the older one. He liked his deep voice, the beautiful smile and the fragrance of his expensive perfume. Whenever Jungkook looked at him with a heartwarming gentleness in his eyes, he would shy away and focus on the peaceful water in front of him.

Jungkook, on the other hand, was aware of the impact he had on Jimin and it made him feel strong and dominant. The younger man was charming, free spirited and good at making Jungkook laugh. He was pretty daring too and liked to ask him a lot of personal questions. Jungkook felt like he had to answer all of them, because he didn't want to appear uptight. The thought of Jimin getting bored and moving on to another, more interesting person bothered him.

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