68| The Chaos

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The first thing Jungkook noticed after waking up was how cold he suddenly felt.

Slowly opening his eyes, he turned his head, only to find out that the side of the bed next to him was empty. Confused, he sat up and looked around the room. Jimin was no longer lying next to him. And he had opened the window before leaving. Jungkook frowned.

What's going on?

Yawning, he began to dress up. Everything was dark, yet he didn't bother to switch the light on. Instead, he stumbled towards the bedroom door, feeling dizzy.

How long had he been asleep? And where did the model go?

Jungkook went downstairs, eyelids feeling heavy as he struggled to keep them open. Since there was no light in the whole apartment, he had to be extra careful not to fall. With great effort however, he managed to reach the kitchen safely.

Still no sign of Jimin.

Cursing under his breath, Jungkook walked to the sink and washed his face with ice cold water. It woke him up immediately, and he quickly turned it off before drying his face with a small towel.

"Babe-?" He tried to call out for his lover, but his voice cracked, straining his throat.

God, he needed a drink.

Jungkook opened the fridge, groaning when facing its bright light. He squeezed his eyes shut, his hand feeling for a bottle until he finally found one and then rushed to close the door again- not wasting any time as he eagerly chugged down the water, sighing in relief when the cold liquor went down his soar throat.

In a much better mood, Jungkook walked into the living room. This time, too, only the light from a small lamp shone. Puzzled, he scratched his scalp, looking around once more.


No answer. Had he left the apartment?

Jungkook glanced at the clock. It was already past midnight. Where the hell could the younger possibly be at this hour? And why would he leave in the first place? He checked his phone to see if Jimin had texted him but there were no new messages. Annoyed, Jungkook decided to just call him.

The phone started ringing, when suddenly, the front door opened. He quickly ended the call, feeling at ease after hearing footsteps approach.

"Finally! I was already starting to worry," he laughed, waiting for Jimin to reach the room. He walked pretty slowly, Jungkook noticed. Probably due to the "fun" they had a few hours ago. The man couldn't help but feel a little sense of pride when remembering how he had taken Jimin on the dinner table. Although it seemed like the latter had already cleaned everything up.

"Where did you..."


Jimin couldn't remember the last time he had driven his car, yet after all this time, it still had a calming effect on him. The gentle sound of the rain mingled with the slow songs playing from the radio, creating a kind of inner peace he hadn't felt in a long time. Was it relief? Jimin couldn't tell. But whatever it was- he needed it.

The model wasn't in a rush. It took him quite a while to reach Seokjin's house. Visiting him was an impulsive decision. Really, he didn't even know why he was going there. It just felt right.

Jimin hummed softly, enjoying the music.

He even left Jungkook behind. Did the older finally wake up?


He wondered if Seohyun was there, too. Had she seen his card? Jungkook obviously didn't know about it, which meant he couldn't have found it before she did.

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