70| The Sacrifice I Make

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"He's miserable."

"No shit, Sherlock."

Jaewon sighed, glancing inside the living room. Jungkook was there, sitting on the couch and staring at the TV. His hair was messy, he hadn't shaved in almost three days and he still looked like someone had just killed his dog in front of him. The frequent laugh track in the sitcom he was watching didn't do his appearance any favors either. Jungkook was a walking depression.

"I just want him to at least say something. His mother's constantly asking to speak to him, and it's getting tricky to make up new excuses," the man complained while watching his girlfriend heat up some food, "I can handle his work stuff but freaking family? I'm surprised nobody's raided our apartment yet." He then moved to steal a little piece of meat, but she quickly slapped his hand away.

"Well, as his best friend it's your job to have his back at all times. He'd do the same for you," Hayi argued, "Can you give me those plates, please?"

"I know, and of course I will. But it's difficult when he refuses to communicate," he continued and handed them to her. The girl shrugged.

"There's nothing left to say, Jaewon. He cheated on his wife, and now he's suffering the consequences. All you can do is be there for him."

She put Jungkook's food on a tray and shoved it into Jaewon's hands. "You can't tell, but he really appreciates your help. And that's good enough. The rest is up to him. You can't fix anything on his behalf, it's not your life. Now, go and make him eat this."

She gave him a little push and he groaned, forcing himself to walk out of the kitchen. Approaching Jungkook, he put on a bright smile. But the latter didn't even look at him. As always, he was deeply lost in thoughts.

"Good evening, Sir. Your dinner is ready," Jaewon began politely and bowed, acting as a personal waiter, "Would you like a drink? Soda, maybe?"

Jungkook looked at him briefly before staring back at the TV. "I'm not hungry, Jae. You should eat it instead."

"Hayi will kill me. So please, do us both a favor and just eat this. You need it more than I do."

Jungkook hesitated, but after seeing his friend's begging expression and the delicious food in his hands, he sat up straight to take the tray. "Thank you."

"No worries, buddy," Jaewon replied coolly and took a seat beside him. Watching him take the first bite felt relieving. Finally, he was starting to accept his approaches. They were making progress.

"You should shave," the younger commented, and Jungkook snorted.

"Do you want me to put on some make up for you, too?"

"At this point, I'm sure Hayi would be more than willing to hand over her products."

He chose to not answer, but Jaewon didn't miss the little smile forming on his lips as he tried to hide it by shoving a big spoon of rice into his mouth. It made him grin, too.

They didn't say much after the little teasing, and Jaewon was pretty sure this was all the reaction he could force out of his best friend. However, Jungkook surprised him once again and kept the conversation going by asking about his shifts at the hospital. And so, Jaewon began talking enthusiastically about how Mrs. Jung had brought him some chocolate to the appointment or how much time he had to annoy Jisoo at the reception. Jungkook watched him intently, and every once in a while it looked liked he was at the verge of laughing. However, his smile faltered, and with a little frown, he continued to focus on the food in front of him. Jaewon noticed the change immediately, his words drifting off as he observed his friend.

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