55| Closer

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"Dear Lord, please help me."

Jimin stared at the mansion, not being able to take his eyes off the large building. He couldn't even remember the last time he had been here, and seeing his family's home in all its glory after such a long time gave him the chills. Part of him wanted to turn around immediately, flee and never come back again. He was completely unprepared for this meeting and didn't even know how to react to the sight of his mother. It had been so long since they had dinner together, and Jimin feared that it would be rather awkward for the two of them. Especially if Sarang decided to ask questions, at least  pretending that she was still somewhat interested in the private life of her oldest son. The model, however, had no intention of opening up to her. What would they even talk about then?

The villa, which almost resembled a palace, loomed before him and represented the success and power of his family- and also indirectly the expectations they placed on him. Jimin had definitely achieved many great things in his life, yet he wasn't even close to his mother's accomplishments. Or grandfather's.


No, he didn't want to think about him. Not yet. Otherwise he'd have a panic attack right away. Jimin did care about his sanity a bit, after all.

With a heavy heart, he finally went up the stairs to reach the mansion's large doors. As expected, everything was supposed to remind you of the Kim family's authority. This place literally cried out for respect. Jimin almost felt like kneeling down and kissing the floor to enter their residence- as if there was no other way in.

He shook his head. These weird thoughts weren't going to better the situation in any case, so he quickly pulled himself together and rang the door bell, causing it to play an unique melody. The model couldn't help but roll his eyes.

Of course.

After a few seconds, an elderly man opened the door. He was tall and slender, wearing a dark suit that contrasted with his short, white hair and mustache. His piercing blue eyes studied Jimin, and he adjusted his glasses gracefully. Not even a second later, he bowed to him in a posh manner.

"It's an honor to meet you, Monsieur. Welcome to France," he greeted him with a thick accent, "I'm Sebastian, your grandfather's butler."

"Likewise," the younger answered in Sebastian's mother tongue, "We never met before, have we?"

He entered the mansion, eyes immediately looking around the large hallway. The interior was chic and classy, with every single item of tremendous value. He remembered how much his grandfather cared about the design of his home, always making sure it seemed noble and expensive. It was all in a rather old fashioned style- Jimin felt like he had stepped into another century. Even Sebastian looked like he was from the twenties. He exuded a kind of grace that was difficult to find these days, causing the model to wonder what kind of training he had to endure in order to become this good at his job.

"No, Monsieur. But your mother told me a lot about you," Sebastian nodded after closing the door behind them, obviously a bit more comfortable when speaking in French. Jimin turned around, smiling.

"Oh really? Only good things, I hope."

"We were all very excited when we received the news that we could finally meet you in person. The Kim sons are always welcome in this house, that is out of question. It's a shame they are here so rarely."

Kim Sons? Jimin's mother must've teached them to not call him by his father's name. Dear heaven, the model had almost forgotten how petty she could be. Until this day, he didn't understand why she disliked 'Park' so much. After all, it had been her last name once.

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