Chapter 54/Broken Breaths

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I wasn't Looking directly at Brooklyn when he came to. Strangely I could feel him connect to the Wi-Fi network. I could feel his code, And I knew he could feel mine.

"The train back is always tomorrow," Brooklyn mumbled to the wifi.

I got up from the laptop practising my programming. I was already doing better than most of the professors students after several months. The coding was interesting. I'd already manage to make some simple programs. Minor ones which are automated some processes like checking on Brooklyn. I was beginning to see how powerful this could be. I could see a bigger longer road. At the end of it was being able to reprogram the viruses that changed Brooklyn. That would require more knowledge of cybernetic biochemistry.

"How you feeling?" I said silently as I walk towards Brooklyn laying on the floating bed.

"Is that really you?" Brooklyn said opening his eyes "This could be the drugs talking but I could really get used you being the first thing I see the morning...."

I smiled.

"You're supposed to say. 'Me too'" Brooklyn added.

My smile broadened "That would be telling. You need to rest"

He watched me as I arranged code before me. It wasn't very good but it was good enough to create an encrypted link to him.

"Can you hear me? Are you alright" I said.

Brooklyn opened as eyes and rolled on his side "errr. I can't feel my feet" He said He waited for My face to brighten.

"Okay, then where am I?" Brooklyn asked " I don't recognise the Wi-Fi or the MAC Address. And if this is your taste in bedroom decor we have a long decoration argument coming at some stage."

"Hey while you were out techno futurism got big. As to where you are it's a long story" I said verbally.

And then gave him an instant info dump on what happened.

Brooklyn strained his head to look at the laboratory around him.

"It's a shame about Reconfigured she sounded alright. This wheel business is weird. Still, the professor seems to know where things are at." .Brooklyn added.

"Yeah, we should be safe for a while." I began " I've been out a couple of times. I don't think we are prisoners. If Reconfigured trusted him I guess we can."

"Do you know why he's working for them?" Brooklyn said silently.

I bought a drink over to him. Brooklyn half sat up and sipped on the long straw.

"No. That's what worrries me.  He's been working on cybernetic surgery for a long time now on his own. I think it's just your typical scientist obsessive. Anyway, you shouldn't be running your CPUs so hard. You need to rest."


I heard foot steps on the stair case then the Professor returned. Brooklyn pretended to be sleeping. 

"Idiots..iditots idiots" he kept saying to himself.

I looked up. "Hi" I smiled.

"Sorry I was late. There is this big demonstration going on in the city. There are satellite demonstrations everywhere even outside campus. You can't smell it down here but the whole place stinks of tear gas. How is our patient doing?" The professor said checking out the screens.

"better," I said, "he woke up briefly then went back sleeping."

The Professor scanned through display after display. "No your awake. " 

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