Chapter 7: Back on the street.

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Photo Colin.

Institute 71: 

Meta's POV 

It was the end of the second day. Now I got to go home. I was standing nervously near the turnstile exit. I had just picked up my phone and was waiting for it to boot. While I did I looked at my wrist. It looked like a had a tattoo down my arm. It ended in a round dot. I couldn't think what this good be. I was chilled me and I was scared in case my mother saw me.   

I was surrounded by students waiting to be picked up by buses or our parents. There was an excited warmth in the crowd which brought the joy of a clean spring morning to me.  I waved at a boy called Fin who had Downs. Fin was next to me in class. He was in my new remedial class. Fin walked closer to shuffling around.  He might not know the time or the day of the week but he still read better than I could. When he spoke he didn't seem to have any control over the volume of his voice. I liked him. 
Brooklyn rolled up to me. He managed to move gracefully like a skateboarder.  He looked pensive.

 There was a bench nearby and I sat down so we could be at the same level.

"Errr... I'd be grateful if you didn't mention to Colin my trip the other night." Brooklyn said looking up at me. "It was dumb. Sometimes things get too much. I was thinking about my self. I guess we all get that way."

"Dam, does this mean I don't get to keep the pickup?" I said then smiled "Yeh. don't worry. I won't".  Brooklyn relaxed and smiled. I liked his warm cosy smile it.    "Speaking of Colin, where is he? Do you have to do all the looking out for Colin? Don't the others help."

Brooklyn thought for a second, "Valerie and Hannah might - depends upon her ADHD chems dose. Sometimes she just sits there like a vegetable, when she does she is great. Zoe won't she doesn't see the point and thinks Colin smells. Quote 'Fishy and metallic'. "
The atrium we sat in had a balcony running around it. The warders stood like guards surveying the throng below.
I nodded "Speaking of last night - did you see anything more about the news on Sunday?"
"Bank robbery apparently," Brooklyn said.
I looked down on him. "Seriously ?" I said. Brooklyn nodded. "What about the flying tank?"
Brooklyn shrugged.  Students  slowly passed us by like molasses fleeing an old bottle.

 "The flying tank was oddly omitted from the robbery reports."

I was wearing my coat and took it off. The atrium had a glass roof and a second-floor balcony. The warders came to look at us over the balcony. They watched us like farmers at a cattle market. 

"I'll say this for this place. Its place is well heated. " 
Brooklyn looked at me "Where did you grow up? In an igloo? It's freezing?"
I looked around and rubbed my arms. "It is?.. look I know it's early but it's been a hard day."
There was something awkward in his face.
"Is there anything else I need to know?" I asked
"Yeah. Err yes there is. Be careful when you're on the streets. There are a lot of local residents who don't appreciate what the institution has done to their house prices. Sometimes they still protest. Wanting us to be moved off somewhere else." His strong eyes looked at me while he spoke. You didn't need a super sense to figure out he wanted to say something else.
Hannah passed by she had a bruise on her cheek. She wouldn't tell anybody who had done it.
The turnstile gates opened and a trickle of kids left to get on a bus. Then the kids in school started to stream out busily.
I noticed Hannah being taken to the door by  Warder Craven.
"Now what do you say if your dad asks you about your bruise?" Craven said to Hannah.
"I fell down. I tripped over some crutches. It was all my fault." said Hannah in a deep voice following.
"That's good," said Craven.
"I want to be a good girl Sir," said Hannah in a flat emotionless tone. She was 'tuned out', I got the impression the Warders liked it when the impaired had high doses of their meds. Made them easier to push around.
I stood up and tried to see where Hannah and Craven went.
There seemed to be two exits. One leading to the car park. Their the procedure was simple, parent's cars pulled up. A message was exchanged with a Warden. lists looked at and then an impaired was accompanied to the car. A few of the cars looked like they were covered in goo.

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