Chapter 48:for the daughter of root

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Bar: New Torronto.

Meta's POV

R3c0nfigured stood up. " We are surrounded. You better get out." She said to the customers and the barman.

The old man who had only just discovered The Internet disappearing finished their drinks. Then Got up and began to walk out.

"Apotheosis" said R3c0nfigured to the barman.

The barman reached down below the bar and flicked some switches. The sports screens switched to surveillance cameras on the outside. One was up high giving an overview of the street. It was pretty clear that the police had Set up a number of barriers. Early responding police cars had stopped doors wide open to provide Bullet-proof protection. Guns were trained on the doorway. SWAT team  vans arrived.

"Is this a good idea?" Apotheosis/the barman. "why not just give her up?"

R3c0nfigured "she' the last of the wheel. Through her it's unbroken."

Apotheosis/the barman looked at me and then back "Your willing to die for a girl you only just met?"

R3c0nfigured looked back "for her. She's the last hope. One I didn't have this morning. So yeah. I will do anything for the daughter of root."

I checked the screens.

On the screens. The four men from the bar were coming out with their hands up. As they did police hurried them away to a debriefing area. It was as I had expected. Solid. Whoever had done this, really knew what they were doing. Police drones were cycling overhead. A stealth escape would be impossible.

"Apotheosis" R3c0nfigured began, "Can you start to clear the way?"

Inside the bar Miguel and the barman went into the Kitchen and began shifting stuff. We configured pulled off the waitress outfit to reveal her cycle courier clothing.

"What now," I said.

"It will be dark soon, " said R3c0nfigured "Your best chance of escape is the dark. We had an old way out it's not easy but it's no on any digital map."


Later R3c0nfigured seemed ready Miguel came back sweating.

  "It's done" ." he said, nodding.

She studied the large square SWAT vans behind the barriers. "Type 7 vans. Nothing but the best for the GovSys police. Self-guiding guns." She said looking at the screen then turned to me "Do you know how to hack them?"

I shook my head.

R3c0nfigured spoke silently. "Modern guns have digital cameras on them. They only fire when they were pointed at a living person. The cameras would time shots for you. All the police or military have to do was hold the trigger down, wave the gun and it would fire at just the right point. 100% hits, zero collateral damage, you can configure to wound or avoid body armour. The only thing it doesn't do was work against mixtures of friends and foes. The weakness is that each gun had a central control so the commander to order ceasefire. Look at me, I sound like I'm at Defcon90."

The hack for the gun was fairly simple. Hack the control system. The gun would fire off-axis and hit off line. The only problem is if there is a manual override. Most modern guns didn't have them. 

Miguel came up and shook R3c0nfigured's hand.

R3c0nfigured looked at Miguel. "They will have thermal cameras on us down here. Don't move until I give you the signal."

I looked at her "I still don't understand why you are you doing this for me."

R3c0nfigured figured took my hand and smiled "I'm not doing it for you. I'm doing it for everyone. Your dad, your mom, and so many more you will never know. You carry something very precious to us. I can't explain it now but you will understand. Then this will seem as necessary as it is. Don't worry,  I'm coming through this. When not if  you see him, tell the professor, Elijah. Just that Elijah."

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