Chapter Twenty-Four

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Maybe I had overreacted. Liam hadn't made that much of a mistake had he? I shouldn't have been so upset over him kissing another girl, I mean, he'd had a little alcohol to drink.

I continued to blame myself for the whole mess in my head until Maria picked up on the silence.

"Olivia, don't think too much about the past now. You two are perfect for each other. We've seen what it does to you both when you're apart and it's not a pretty site. So just admit that you love Liam and he loves you back." For a second time, a lump had formed in my throat and I was fighting back the tears. She was right, we did love each other. Why was I the one who had to make this so hard?

"Yes Maria. You're right. I want to move on and be happy for once. Thank you for being there for me." I shakily spoke up, and thanked her for being such a brilliant friend.

"No problem sweetheart. Just look after yourself and Liam and don't be so hard on yourself either. But I'll love you and leave you now so speak soon."

"Ok. Yeah, bye." And moments later, the phone went dead.

Why did I have such perfect friends? I honestly didn't deserve them if all I did was put them in the middle of a waging battle between a broken relationship and a perfect one. I was so darn lucky!

Feeling a little annoyed with myself, I took my cup of tea over to the couch and switched on the TV with the remote. The first channel to automatically appear was the news. I silently sipped on my tea, and mindlessly stared at the news presenter going on about some boring political issues. The weatherman was up next, forecasted weather is rain, hmm, nothing new there.

My mind was pretty much thoughtless and I made no attempt to pay attention to the news. Instead, I let the warmth of the tea comfort me as I sunk into the couch. The celebrity news had just come on, some things about Rihanna, and then Demi Lovato on the X Factor USA. My mind was about to drift off again when a news story caught my eye.

Hmm interesting, something about One Direction. I guess I could do with a little light-hearted gossip about the boys right now.

The presenter went on to talk cheerily about the boys beginning on a new and upcoming album, and also chatted a bit about some petty stories about twitter trends. I guess it wasn't anything new or too interesting. Sometimes, I actually felt sorry for the boys, the way that everything in their lives was seen as extreme or something of that sort.

Eventually, I began to zone out once again, taking small sips of my tea as I paid little attention to the presenter on the TV. She was actually beginning to get on my nerves, with her cheap smile and fake personality. The boys had to face these sorts of people nearly all the time, I didn't know how they were able to keep control of themselves before lashing out and hitting one or two of them. I mean some of these celebrity news presenters and interviewers were sometimes pretty obnoxious and stuck-up.

I felt the warmth of the tea slowly relax me and felt my eyes beginning to grow heavy. The stress I was coping with these last few days had really taken their toll on me. My mind was completely weakened by it all and my actual heart felt like giving up for a second or two just do I could recover and fix myself inside.

Just when I knew that I was drifting off into a dreamless state, something familiar had rang in my ears. Well, was I just sleeping?

"Olivia Marcello is back on the scene..."

Nope, I had definitely just heard my name on the TV.

My eyes shot open and I stared at the screen, gasping when I recognised the image being shown to me on the celebrity channel.

It was of me and Liam. And this was no old picture. This was of us, at Starbucks. It was taken today!

I felt my stomach squirming as I continued to listen to what the smug looking TV presenter went on to say.

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