Chapter Twenty-Six

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Hi guys! Gosh, nearly 30,000 reads! It's unbelievable! Thank you all sooooo much. Enjoy this chapter lovelieees, we tried to make it a little funnier than the other chapters :D

H&E xx


~Olivia's P.O.V~

It had been a few nights since mine and Liam's make-up kiss. Everything was seeming to return to normal and I had definitely noticed the boys return to their usual excited and crazy selves.

I guess for them, knowing that Liam and I had finally recovered what was left of our fragile relationship, it was pretty amazing stuff, and that it required some form of celebration.

"Come on guys, we really need to celebrate this!" Niall beamed one night when I was round at their apartment watching movies with them.

Liam and I were sat on the single person chair. It was a squash but extremely cosy, and being sat on Liam's laps was actually pretty warm. If I'm honest, I loved it.

Niall had spotted us with our lips locked whilst we all sat around the living room watching Transformers. Yes, not the most romantic of films, but that didn't stop us.

The boys were sniggering and making rude and completely inappropriate remarks about it. Liam snapped at them in embarrassment, his cheeks pink and his hair slightly ruffled (oops, my fault).

"Would you all just shut up, and stop your teasing. It's totally unnecessary."

"We're not teasing you though. Anyway, I agree with Niall." Zayn looked back from the tv an faced Liam. That kind of amazed me seeing as Megan Fox's hot face was currently being displayed, I thought every boy went crazy over that woman.

"Yeh, we should go out. Your reunion is pretty important." Louis spoke up, and for once, he sounded pretty serious.

"Clubbing!" Harry jumped up from his seat, nearly spilling his popcorn all over the couch, and Louis who was snuggled up beside him.

"Um no Haz, no clubbing." Zayn shook his head as soon as I felt Liam tense up behind me.

"Oh right. Er, house party?!"

"What is it with you? Just wanting to find an excuse to get drunk!!? Louis threw his hands up into the air before bursting out into a fit of laughter. The rest of us joined in, even Liam.

"Seriously though, is it really necessary? Aren't these movie nights enough?" Liam referred to the current situation.

"What?! No way! We should all just go out, muck around." This time, it was Louis' turn to jump from his seat, but unlike Harry, the bowl of popcorn between them was sent flying all over the couch and the floor below.

"For Gods sake Lou!" Harry got up brushing off the popcorn pieces from his sweatpants.

All of us, apart from the annoyed looking Harry and the embarrassed looking Louis, were laughing at the accident. Niall had fallen from the couch, and was now crawling around on the floor, aiming to retrieve what popcorn was still left.

"Five second rule!" He yelled through chokes of laughter as well as bits of popcorn being stuffed into his mouth.

"Damn it, now I have no movie snacks. And I'm not greedy enough to eat it off the floor." Harry continued to complain pointing half-heartedly at Niall still picking up the corn from the floor.

"Oh stop your whining. Louis didn't mean to do it." I decided to end this and slowly rose to my feet. "I'll go microwave some more popcorn." I hadn't even been paying much attention to the film either after being completely distracted by Liam breathing down my neck, so it wouldn't matter if I missed part of the film anyway.

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