Chapter 3

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Macaw felt all the walls closing in around her. Doubling the amount of SlitherFeathers would get us caught for sure. Why would Frozen be so close to our borders anyway? With that, it doesn't make sense at all. And why didn't Frozen take out Moon right away? All these questions were bothering Macaw.

"I am sorry, but I don't know if I can do this without my guards now. I need at least one SlitherNight guards with me. If not, I can't do this. Sorry Glorya." Moon said.

Glorya looked down and back up again. "We have three other guards here. Just in case something happened with the others. Your mom told them to come here and I completely forgot."

Glorya looked at Macaw for approval, and she agreed. Even though she didn't want to leave her Queen's side, this mission was far too important to just let it go and not have the chance to go see the other tribes and how they lived. She wants to go and it might be her only chance.

All these thoughts came to her mind when she heard a loud boom outside. The SlitherNight Princess and the two SlitherFeathers hurried to the door entranced and saw a bunch of SlitherIce everywhere and Macaw saw Frozen in the air, above the trees. If she was Glorya, she would have been the darkest red.

Macaw didn't have time to think and she launched herself into the air, putting a half when she realized what Frozen could do. After all, he was named after his curse.

Moon flew up to Macaw and the two dragons glared at the SlitherIce for a long time, until Glorya flew between the two glaring dragons.

"What is wrong with you two?! Moon! You are here, I know I'm not your Queen, but your mother would kill me if you died right there. And Macaw! Your grudge has to end! We are trying to stop the war, not make ourselves into it!" The Queen roared.

The scales on Queen Glorya were red, not any bright red, dark red. A color that was often on her but not dark like this.

Macaw's family was murdered by this very dragon, and still to this day, Glorya keeps saying don't hold a grudge.

"What do you want Frozen?" The SlitherNight Princess demanded.

"To warn you, the Queen sent me herself, don't come to our tribe, or any others. We have scouts everywhere so don't you dare leave your precious rain forest, or else." Frozen hissed.

"Or what? You'll kill me like you did with the rest of the guards? Huh?" Moon was angry.

"Lets try and be civil Moon, you to Macaw. You have no right to be here. We're lucky to even know that you have this curse, because my guards would have died trying to kill you. I'm glad Macaw came to me with this news, that you have this curse. I. Don't. Want. Missing. Dragons!" Glorya said, in a low rumbling voice.

All the SlitherIce dragons started to gather around the cursed dragon, one with too much ice. Every warrior at this point, SlitherFeather warriors were looking at the SlitherIce tribe, with baring teeth and growling.

At one point, Macaw thought she could see Frozen's eye glitter but it was too fast to see. She looked at him one more time and left. She couldn't stand the sight of him, it usually made her want to burst and kill the dragon, but yet again, she couldn't, or she would have died trying.

Either way, Macaw couldn't die, the same way her parents did. She needed a way to stop Frozen herself.

Power of Dragons: A Feathery Start [1]Where stories live. Discover now