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(Editor's note: Some of you probably noticed this was originally named 'Epilogue'...I meant to put Prologue, I'm sorry. I accidentally switched the two)

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

    I gasped as I felt the cold metal touch the back of my aching head. I was on my knees in front of the most terrifying man alive, The Red Leader. His two buddies, Paul and Patryk were standing next to me to make sure I didn't try anything. Patryk, who I thought I could trust, was holding the gun his finger already steady on the trigger.

      "P-please..." I whimpered out, tired of being hit, tired of feeling like I was going to die at any given moment, which was in literal terms as of now. "I-I don't know anything. They never told me stuff I just worked for them to protect my family. You have to understand that-" I stopped talking as he crouched down to my level, a smirk on his face as his silver eyes stared into my watery ones.

     I looked down, silence overcoming me as I couldn't bring myself to make any more eye contact with the man before me.

    "P-please...." I whispered out again. He stood up again with a short sigh, turning to walk out of the dark stone room.

    "Kill her, she's not giving me what I need." He spoke before I heard the door slam closed.

      I took in a breath, not bothering to let it out, beg, cry, anything. Who I thought was my friend. Someone I thought I could trust was going to kill me in cold blood. I let out that one shaky breath as I closed my eyes tight, a few tears slipping out as I thought of my family, my few friends, the small moments Patryk and I shared, Paul and I playfully teasing him, every good memory flashed as I waited for an eternity for him to just pull the trigger.



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