Ananya was walking to and fro in front of the room, where Aayan locked himself, she could hear muffled sobs from inside...

Indeed he was crying and why wouldn't he...? He lost his mother after all...
Whatever she did to them, a kid cannot hate his mother, and so Aayan who was angry on Priyanka was now mourning over her death..

Ananya decided to leave him be, but she knew him very well, once his anger takes over the grief, than no one can calm him down...

Ananya re read the letter that Aayan left downstairs and felt bad for Priyanka, for being stupid enough to believe Prateek Singhal, though there was nothing provocative in the letter, which can make Aayan angry, but his state of mind was such that he could react on anything...

Ananya could hear footsteps approaching her, and saw her brothers walking hurriedly towards her direction, followed by her parents...

'Annie..' Vansh hugged her, and Ved did the same...

'Did you take the medicines..?' Ved asks and Ananya nods

'Where is he...?' Vansh asks

'He's inside... I can hear his crying, but he is not opening the door...' Ananya says

'What happened...?' Arjun asked

'Some guy from Singhal's house informed about Mom's death, and handed him the letter, after reading it, he locked himself...' She hands Naina the letter

Naina reads it and sighs, passing it to Arjun, who read it and massaged his temples..

Ved and Vansh read the letter and then frown..

'Why do I smell manipulation here...?' Vansh says looking at the letter

'Why are you always so skeptical about everything that happens here...' Ved says irritated

'Because nothing about this family is normal..' Vansh counters

'It's just a normal letter...! Why will a dying woman try to manipulate her son ? And against who...?' Ved exclaims and Vansh glares at him

'Because that is all that woman did all her life Ved, and now blaming everything on Prateek Singhal and showing herself as a victim, isn't this manipulation ? Was she so stupid not to understand what was going on..?' Vansh matches Ved's tone

'People do stupid things...' Ved began but Naina cuts them off

'Enough with the silly argument both of you, Priyanka is dead... Respect the dead...' she scolds them

'Naina, I think Vansh has a point... I think she...' Arjun began

'Arjun, Aayan lost his mother... He needs his family... Even if you guys sense 'manipulation' against whom she will manipulate her son now ? You guys are over reacting...' Naina says and Arjun frowns

'Let's leave him alone for a while... He'll come out once he calms down...' Naina says, and Ananya looks worriedly at the door

'Ananya come beta, I'll make something for you...' Naina holds her arms and takes her with her and Ved follows them

Arjun and Vansh worriedly look at the door, and then each other

'I hope he doesn't do anything impulsive in his grief...' Vansh says

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