just a bullet wound- steve rogers

Start from the beginning

You briefly saw a dark look flash in his eyes but then it faded as soon as you saw it appear and you shook your head, turning around on your heel and sprinting back towards where the Quinjet was stationed.

Maybe heading back into the jet wasn't such a bad idea, after all. You found that you could barely hold yourself upright on your feet now because you felt extremely dizzy and lightheaded, and your body was growing increasingly colder from all the blood loss.

Your vision blurred at the edges as you stumbled onto the jet and slumped down in your seat.

Then the world began spinning--- before everything went black.


Steve rested his head in his hands, the pain and anxiety brought from waiting for any news on your condition becoming too much for him to bear. The typical, plastic hospital chair in the waiting room was becoming rather uncomfortable and he'd give anything for something better, but if it meant waiting for the news if you were going to be okay or not, he could put up with it for one more day.

"Hey, Cap," Sam placed a hand on Steve's shoulder, "Helen's coming in a few minutes to operate on her, so you're gonna have to leave for this one. Do us all a favor, and go eat something, will ya? You haven't eaten all day."

"Do I have to leave?" he asked, glancing over at the Falcon with a completely dead look in his eyes. He'd be reprimanding himself for sounding childish but at the moment, couldn't care less.

Sam let out a sigh, "Sorry, man. As much as any of us want to stay, we need to step out on this part. Now come on, Bruce and the others are in the lounge. If you need something to drink, Wanda's gotcha. Coffee for that classic caffeine boost, or classic hot cocoa if you choose the latter."

Steve nodded numbly and fell into step besides his friend as they made their way to the lounge together, where the team was spread out across the couches, beanbag chairs, and in Peter's and Pietro's cases, snuggled up in thick blankets on the floor.

Judging by Steve's exhausted appearance, Bruce slid him a cup of steaming hot coffee and a plate filled with various pastries and breads, the steam from the drinkcurling up into the air in faint, white wisps. He silently accepted it, taking a long sip before finally setting it back down on the coffee table.

"Steve...?" Peter asked tenatively, "are you okay?"

"Oh, I'm alright," he reassured the teenager as he took a bite out of his bagel, "don't worry about me."

"Isn't that exactly what Y/N said to you when that bullet ripped through her arm?" Pietro jumped in as he sat up, raising his eyebrows.

"How'd you hear that?"

"We all have comms, Cap." The speedster gestured to his ear, "And I overhear eeeeeeeverything."

"Weirdo," Wanda muttered under her breath which earned her a smack to the arm from her brother.

The team heard footsteps approaching and Tony walked into the lounge with his hands behind his back, and the fact that his face didn't show any emotion at all only made Steve feel more nervous about what he was going to say.

"She was just moved to her room from the ER right now," he informed everyone, "and Helen explained that you can see her in about half an hour."

Steve let out a long sigh that he didn't know he'd been holding in and his shoulders sagged heavily in relief, relieving himself of the tension in his muscles.

"Thank god."

"Awww, cute. He cares about her because he's in love!" Pietro and Peter squealed.

"I am not in love with---"

tom holland/peter parker and steve rogers oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now