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"Can I stay with you guys tonight?"

Mia's voice woke me. I hadn't even realised I'd drifted off, but when I opened my eyes and looked outside, we were almost at our station.

"Yeah, of course," I said, my voice a little hoarse. It always happened when I woke up, it didn't matter how long I'd been asleep.

"Thanks," she replied, adjusting her position. She'd fallen asleep before when she was slightly hunched, so she had to be feeling it now. "I'll sleep on the couch, those things look comfy as."

I laughed, and I heard a faint one come from across the seats. Must've been Cam.

"She could vouch for that," he chimed in.

That I could. The first night I'd been in that apartment I slept on the couch instead of my own bed, courtesy of all the alcohol I'd consumed that night. But it was so worth it, it was a really fun night.

"Don't be ridiculous, you can sleep with me. The bed's plenty big enough."

Mia smiled and nudged me with her elbow.

I nudged her right back.

"Can I join?" I looked up to see Nate peering at me from the seats on the other side of the train. I think he was aiming for puppy dog eyes but it wasn't really doing it for me.

"In your dreams, Nate," I replied.

He pouted. "Always in the dreams."

Mia and I looked at each other, both raising a brow before we fell into a fit of sleep-deprivation-induced giggles.

"Alright you two," Cam said, standing up from his seat. "Time to go to bed."

He stuck out a hand for each of us to help us stand.

"Such a gentleman," I teased, walking towards the train door.

"You know it," he said, adding a wink. Any other guy might have looked a little stupid chucking that in, but Cam just made it look so damn good.

We decided on the walk back that everyone would stay with us so they didn't have to go back to their own places so late at night. The boys weren't too far away, but I don't think any of us liked the idea of them taking separate train lines by themselves late at night. I doubt anything would happen, but better to be safe than sorry.

Nate and Kaidan staked a claim on the couches as soon as we walked in the door, sprinting right to them as soon as it Cam opened it and almost bowled him over in the process.

"Well, that sucks," Parker said as he entered the kitchen.

Now he'd have to park it on the floor.

I let out another quiet laugh.

Cam looked at me, amused.

"Sorry," I whispered. He just smiled and shook his head, looking back at Parker.

"Well, you're not bunking with me, mate."

And with that, Cam was heading off towards his room.

"Oh, come on," Parker whined. "Just for tonight?"

Cam reappeared from his bedroom with spare pillows and blankets for the guys. Where he'd been keeping those I had no idea. He chucked a particularly thick blanket at a pillow at Parker. He caught the blanket, but the pillow just smacked him in the face since he couldn't defend himself.

"That was rude," he said.

"That was hilarious," Mia said on a yawn. "Now come on, girlie. It's time for this one to get her beauty sleep."

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