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I don't remember the last time I woke up without an alarm clock.

I opened my eyes, groggily blinking as I adjusted to the bright light shining through the apartment. I basked in the warmth of the morning sun, the softness of the blanket that covered my body contrasting against the cool fabric of the couch underneath me.

Hold on, I thought. Some part of my brain knew that this situation was off.

Why am I sleeping on the couch? Or, better question: how did I get here?

I rolled onto my back, propping myself up on my elbows, and groaned at the ache that started pounding through my head. The nauseating feeling that was swirling through my stomach.

I instantly had flashbacks of how much I had to drink last night. The pool, the dancing, the shots, the...

I swung my head around so that I was facing the front of the apartment. Big mistake. I clenched my eyes shut as my headache magnified. When the throbbing lessens, I open my eyes to see the dildo still stuck on the wall beside the door.

Nope. My alcohol-muddled mind hadn't imagined that one.

"And Sleeping Beauty is finally awake!" I hear someone shout from the kitchen.

Rolling onto my stomach, I saw that Cameron, Kaidan, Nate, and Parker were all in the kitchen. The latter two were sitting on the same bar stools we had occupied last night while Cameron and Kaidan were... cooking breakfast?

Okay, now I'm definitely not protesting sharing an apartment with this boy.

I couldn't help but keep my gaze trained on Cameron. While the other boys were ruffled up from sleep and still wearing last night's clothes, Cameron had changed into a pair of dark sweatpants that hung low on his waist and had opted not to wear a shirt, once again showing off his upper half that even my sober mind couldn't deny looked good.

"Hey, Forthy," Cameron called, causing me to drag my eyes up to his own.

I hummed questioningly in response.

"You got a little drool, right here," he said, pointing to the corner of his mouth that was stretched wide in a grin.

I could feel the heat trying to rise to my cheeks, but tried to push it down.

"Yeah, yeah," I muttered, swinging my legs over the side of the couch and padding across the floor to my bedroom.

"What, no witty comeback?" He asked.

Without turning around, I said, "Not until one of you pretty boys makes me a cup of coffee."

"You think I'm pretty, sweetheart?" I heard Kaidan ask behind me.

Once I'd reached my doorframe, I leaned against it and faced the boys. "Don't let it go to your head, your ego's big enough."

From the cocky smirks that formed on Kaidan's and Nate's faces, I knew I'd made a mistake in what I just said. Cameron had already turned back to the stove to keep working on his bacon and eggs, while it looked like Parker had fallen asleep on the kitchen counter.

"Honey, that's not where it's going," Kaidan said, a sultry note to his voice. I couldn't help the flutter in my stomach at the way his tone had changed, even though I knew it meant nothing.

"And my ego isn't the only thing that's big enough," Nate added with a wink in my direction.

I rolled my eyes. "You boys are hopeless."

With that, I stepped back into my room and closed the door.

The bedroom was a pretty decent size; definitely larger than I was expecting. I'd done a bit of research into the whole 'dorm room' situation before I left, but Everstone's accommodation was more like an apartment complex than a typical university dorm.

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