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"Mid-sem, baby," I heard someone scream from the living room. "What's happening?"

I groaned. My day off from uni, I was hoping for a sleep in, and these dickheads have the decency to interrupt.

"Shut up, mate. Forthy's still sleeping."

That would be Cameron. Beautiful boy, thank you. I rolled over and pulled my doona up to my chin, hoping to burrow under and score an extra few minutes of sleep

The next thing I knew, my door was kicked open like we were in the bloody Shining. Only instead of Jack Nicholson saying, "Here's Johnny!" I had Kaidan and Nate bursting in, the former screaming, "Wake the fuck up, Blake!" at the top of his lungs.

I pulled my doona down and gave them both what I hoped was my deadliest glare; the one that promised an ass-whooping.

"Don't give me that look," Kaidan said, the corners of his lips twitching up slightly.

"What are you gonna do about it?" I rubbed my hands over my eyes to wake myself up more.

I opened my eyes to see a blur of white as a body hurled itself onto me and my bed.

"Ahh!" I screamed, but the sound was cut off when Kaidan landed on me and knocked the breath out of me. "Kaidan!"

"You asked what I was going to do," he retorted.

I struggled to get my hands out from under the sheets so I could get some leverage and push him off of my chest.

When I managed to push him up a little it, I saw Cameron leaning against the doorframe with his arms crossed.

"Dude!" I yelped as Kaidan wrestled me back onto the bed and tried to tickle me. "Are-- Pfft!" My voice dissolved into a mix between a dying hyena and someone sitting on a whoopee cushion as Kaidan's hands found my sides. "Are-- Are you going to help or not? Kaidan!"

I could feel the heat rising to my cheeks between my peals of laughter. No doubt my face was flushing bright red, and there were tears in my eyes.

Cam shrugged. "I mean, as far as I'm concerned you brought this on yourself."

And with a subtle wink at Nate - so minuscule I would've missed it if I hadn't been looking at him - a massive grin overtook his face and he pounced on the bed beside Kaidan.

"Oh, you asshole!" I screamed, the pitch of my voice rising with every word as the boys kept tickling me.

"What are you gonna do about it, huh, Blake?" Cam's smile was permanent as he cocked his head at me. "Whatcha gonna do, Forthy?"

I can't lie, I had several indecent thoughts flying through my head at the mischievous glint in his eyes. Several of which included wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling him down towards me. I shook those thoughts from my mind as soon as they appeared, but the essence of them remained and I couldn't seem to get the image out of my head. Now I could feel my cheeks flushing for an entirely different reason. I couldn't deny that these thoughts were coming a bit more frequently now since I'd been spending a lot more time with him. Whether it was studying at the kitchen table, or poking fun at each other while watching TV on the couch, he was infiltrating my mind more often than I'd like to admit. But I knew that there was no way I would ever act on any of these thoughts. Not a chance in hell.

"Guys, get off of her," Nate chimed in from his place by the door, snapping me out of my thoughts.

Kaidan harrumphed. "But watching her squirm is so much fun!"

"Get off of me, you prick," I struggled again against the two lugs pinning me to my mattress and managed to work my hands out from underneath my sheets. Kaidan had already started retreating towards the edge of the bed, but Cameron was still hovering over me; staring at me.

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