Mixed Emotions-82

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Kaya's POV

"Hi Kaya" he smiled sitting on the bed next to me.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I wanted to visit the lads" he shrugged and then his expression turned serious.

"You were having a bad dream, what about?" He asked.

"It was nothing" I said not wanting to tell him about the nightmare, that involved him.

"Are you sure? you know you can always tell me anything" he said.

"Yeah, yeah it was nothing, honest" I said and he nodded.

"Okay, well better get back to sleep" he said, I nodded and lay back down, closing my eyes.

"Good night Kay...I-I Love you" he said and kissed my cheek,
thinking I had already fallen asleep.

Lexi's POV

"Hey! no kissing my sister!" Nash and Cam said.

"I'm still so lost on this family thing" Carter complained as me and Matt pulled away, he winked at me, I smiled.

"Well, Grier's and Dallas's are now just a mix I guess" Nash shrugged.

"I'm tired" I yawned.

"You wanna stay here?" Matt asked me, I thought about it.

"I don't know" I shrugged.

"Come on, pleaseeeee!" Cam, Nash, Carter and Matt said.

"Alright, fine, I'll stay" I said and they cheered.

"Just let me text Luke real quick" I said and pulled out my phone though Matt tensed.


Hey Luke, I'm staying in Cam and Nash's room for the night, can u pwetty pwease fix my things?

Or don't, you don't have to, but yeah tell the others and stuff

From: LukeyPenguin

I'll fix your bag, no touching front pocket right? and yeah okay I'll tell Mike, Cal and Ash where you are

To: LukeyPenguin

Thanks a bunch Luke! you're the best!

From: LukeyPenguin

No problem.....

I put my phone away, not paying much attention to the long line of periods after he said 'No Problem' what did I say wrong?

"If you want, you can sleep in my bed" Matt said.

"With you?" I asked nervously.

"No, no, I'll sleep on the couch" he said and I nodded.

"Oh come on Matt, she's 19" said Carter.

"Don't encourage him!" Cam said and I laughed.

"No matter how much I hate to admit it, I missed these arguments" I said and they all beamed at me.

"I'm gonna go to bed, night" I said and went to Matt's bed and lay down facing away from them.

"You know Matt, you're going to have to win her back eventually" Carter said when they thought I had went to bed.

"With if she isn't mine to win back anymore?" Matt asked and I blocked the rest of their conversation out, what did he mean by that?


I walk in to an apartment, the inside is familiar and that's when I realize its Cameron and Nash's old apartment.

But as I walk toward the living room, I see 4 people on the couch.

"I was there for you" I hear someone say, Luke.

"I made a mistake, but I will always love you" Jack.

"You're my world, I can't let you get away" Matt.

"Did you ever forget about me? what about me?" ....Carter.

I stand at a cross road, a four way cross road, All path leads to a person who I loved.

"Lexi, I love you" they all say, I panic and run blindly down a path, I stop running and look up to see......

"Lexi! Lexi! wake up!" I open my eyes to see the worried expressions of Nash and Cameron, I look past them to see Carter still asleep and to my side to see Matt sound asleep.

"What's wrong?" Cam asked.

"Why would anything be wrong?" I asked trying to play it cool though my heart was pounding in my chest.

"Why would we wake you up at 1 AM if nothing was wrong?" Nash asked, I sighed.

"Yeah, good point Nash, when did you get so logical?" I asked him.

"When I turned 19" he chuckled.

"But I don't want to be logical" I grumbled and we all sat on the couches.

"You were thrashing in your sleep and saying names, I don't know how you didn't wake Matt" Cam said, I shrugged.

"I guess it's just the mixed emotions" I sighed and rested my head on his shoulder, closing my eyes again.

"Do you want me to bring you back to Matt's bed?" he asked me, I shook my head no.

"What about with Nash then?" he asked.

"Okay" I said and he picked up and put me on Nash's bed.

"I'll sleep on the couch" I head Nash say.

"No....Here" I mumbled.

"Okay, night Lexi" Nash said and I nodded.

A/N: I had no ideas so I took the cross road bad dream route, no I didn't try to copy Kaya, you'll get a glimpse in to their dreams every once and a while.

Oh! the pic up there! how can you not love that boy? so adorable!

Stay Swaggy


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