Won't Stop-12

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Lexi's POV

"Calm down! your over reacting!" I yelled tapping my foot, Matt walked up to us.

"Now isn't the time is it?" he asked.

"No, no it's not" I said.

"Okay, well Carter is buying me ice cream" he waved like an excited 4 year old and ran off.

"How am I over reacting if Kaya is somewhere with someone she only just met?" he asked.

"I only just met you" I pointed out.

"This is different" he said.

"And don't you trust Shawn? he's one of your best friends right? you just need to calm down, worry less and let people live" I said, he rolled his eyes.

"Your right, but state something sounding less like Carter next time" he said pursing his lips, trying to look serious.

"Whatever bro, we all have our Carter moments" I said and he laughed.

"True, now go find Matt and beg Carter to buy you ice cream or something" he said and I skipped off, I saw Carter and Matt and jumped on Matt's back.

"Hey Mattchew Lee" I said.

"I almost dropped my ice cream" he pouted, I laughed.

"Dork" I said shaking my head.

"Hey, I'm your dork" he said and I smirked, hopping off.

"Lexi, you want ice cream?" Carter asked.

"Yes please!" I said jumping up and down, people started to stare.

"What flavour?" Carter asked chuckling.

"Chocolate" I said and he bought me a cone.

"Thank you Carter!" I said and he smiled.

"No problem" he said.

"You have ice cream on your face" said Matt.

"Where?" I said, he kissed my cheek.

"Right there" he said smirking, Carter passed me a napkin and I wiped off the pink ice cream mark Matt left on my face.

"Cheeky Matt, very cheeky" I said.

"Guilty as charged" he said and we all walked up stairs, my phone rang.

"Kaya! how was it?" I asked biting the ice cream cone.

"Fantastic! we're with Ed right now! thank you so much Lexi!" she said.

"No problem, you having fun with Shawn?" I asked smirking.

"Yes, Yes I am, how is covering for me?" I walked in to our room.

"Its going great, I had to tell Cam because he actually checked the room to see but other then that, you are good to go" I said.

"Thanks a bunch Lexi!" she said.

"No worries, now go have fun blue eyes" I said and she hung up.

"So you can call her blue eyes but when I call you brown eyes its a crime?" asked Nash, I sighed.

"I meant it in a friendly way okay? did you mean it friendly? I'm pretty sure you didn't" I said.

"How are you sure I wasn't just messing around?" he asked taking a step forward, I took one toward him.

"How am I sure?" I scoffed.

"Yeah, how?" he asked.

"You think its not obvious? you turned Hayes against me! we used to be fine" I said, our faces were inches away from each other.

"Lexi! Nash" Said Matt, we stepped away from each other.

"I can't leave you alone for one second without you fighting can I?" he asked.

"I was just talking to Kaya and he came in" I said.

"Okay, okay, but when I leave, you both better leave each other alone" said Matt.

"Okay" I said, he turned to Nash.

"Whatever" said Nash.

"Okay, I'm gonna go, see you later?" I nodded, he kissed my cheek and left.

"What was that?" Nash asked.

"What?" I asked.

"That! Matt just kissed your cheek like it was nothing!" he exploded.

"Calm down, jeez" I said.

"You just met him" Nash said.

"Whats so bad about that? don't you trust your own best friend?" I asked.

"I do, but I don't trust you" he said, I grit my teeth.

"Fricking get out" I practically roared.

"Why?" he said.

"I said so! get out!" I yelled and he left, I pushed my hand through my hair, that guy, even if we no longer where actual brother and sister, there was no stopping the arguing.

A/N:Was this chapter good? idk I bought a Mcflurry, reminded me of Nash 😂😂

I'm reading a book called The Selection, again because its really good so yeah, I'm reading that

Stay Frantastic!

I love you all!


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