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Kaya's POV

"Fine, I'll go to Nash, he's my actual brother after all" I said, my voice cracking and ran out of the room.

"Nash" I said and hugged him.

"Whats wrong Kaya?" he asked.

"Cam, he's being so mean to me" I said sobbing in to his shirt.

"Shh, It's okay, I'm here" he said rubbing my back.

"You don't know how much it hurts Nash" I said.

"Trust me, I would" he said.

"How?" I asked.

"Lexi, you may think it doesn't faze me but it does" he said.

"Oh Nash, I didn't know" I said.

"Its alright, I might have seemed like a demon to you" he said.

"I thought you were going to treat me that way" he said.

"Not a chance" he said, I looked up at him and he was smiling.

Lexi's POV

"Awww Shawny is in love!" I said nudging him, he blushed.

"What do I do?" he asked.

"Well, I've never experienced 'falling in love' and I wouldn't know what it feels like" I said.

"Yet" Shawn muttered, I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Okay, well love is....a nice feeling, like you would do anything for them I guess" said Shawn.

"That must feel....nice" I said mocking him, he smirked.

"Yeah, so like how do I win Katy over?" he asked.

"I'm not sure, be yourself, she seems to really like that" I said.

"Okay, thanks Lex" he said hugging me.

"No problem little Mendes, I should go back to Matt and Carter tho" I said, he nodded and I walked inside, to find Matt and Carter trying to act "casual".

"Okay Matthew, Carter, I know you were listening" I said crossing my arms, they ran towards me.

"How could you not have loved someone that is not your family?" asked Matt, I sat down and they sat around me like two little kids.

"I just haven't" I said shrugging.

"Well Shawn was right in saying yet, your quite the likeable person" said Carter.

"Yeah, whats not there to like?" asked Matt.

"Aww you guys" I said covering my face, they were making me blush.

"Awww you're blushing!!" said Carter.

"Yeah, you guys are sweet" I said and they both grinned, Matt ran and grabbed the shirts, throwing me and Carter one.

"The three musketeers?" said Carter.

"Yes! the three musketeers!" I said putting on the shirt, Carter and Matt put on theirs.

"Lexi?" said Cam, I turned around, he motioned me out.

"Cartah, Mattchew, I'll be back" I said, they nodded.

"Hey bro" I said, he smiled.

"So, here's the thing" he said.

"Whats up?" I asked.

"So... me and Kaya had a disagreement, do you know where she is?" he asked.

"What did you say?" I asked.

"I might have said that I didn't need her because you are my actual sister" he said.

"How could you say that to Kaya?!" I said.

"I got mad because she said that she could have her own friends and stuff after I said she couldn't be friends Taylor" he said.

"Cam, Kaya can be her own person" I said.

"I know that...where did you get that shirt?" he asked, I hugged myself.

"Matt and Carter" I said, he pursed his lips.

"Don't tell me, Carter is bad?" I said.

"He's not the best friend you can have" he said, I crossed my arms over my chest, I knew Carter and Matt where listening.

"Carter is a good friend, and isn't he like one of your best friends? how cam you say that?" I asked.

"He can be a bit flirty, like Taylor" he said.

"I can be a bit flirty at times" I said.

"Carter tends to mess with your feelings, I'm saying this because your a girl, he might give you the wrong idea" said Cam, I pursed my lips.

"Whatever Cam" I said and walked back in to the room.

A/N:Hey! i had no ideas what so ever in this so somethings came to mind and here the chapter is!

Stay Fabulous! I love you all!


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