Matt Vs Luke-76

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Lexi's POV

"Luke" I said and pulled away from Matt, he looked hurt, and so did Luke.

"I-I'm sorry, I just can't do this" I shook my head and ran out, running in to someone, I fell.

"Whoa there Lexi" the person said helping me up.

"Carter" I said hugging him.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"Luke and Matt" I said.

"Can I help?" he asked.

"Will you bring me to your hotel room? I-I just need some time away from it all" I said.

"Get away from it all not a care in the world" Carter sang and I laughed.

"How are the Jacks?" I asked.

"They're good, now come on, we have three years to catch up on" he said and looped his arm through mine.

Kaya's POV

"Calum, what the hell man" I heard Cameron say.

"Cameron" Calum pulled away from me, I was just about to ask what his problem was when I remembered, he thought I was Hayley Williams.

"Seriously Bro? I thought you loved Kaya, and now you go and kiss Hayley? one of Kaya's trusted friends too" Cam said, disgusted.

"Cam-" Calum said and Cam pushed him down before he could explain.

"Cameron! don't!" I said.

"Not now Hayley!" Cam said as he advanced on Calum.

"You don't understand!" I said.

"I understand fine Hayley" he growled.

"Cam Cam, please" I pleaded and he stopped.

"Kaya?" he said.

Matt's POV

"Way to go man" I said to Luke.

"This is not my fault" he said.

"She wouldn't have run off if you didn't come along" I said.

"Sure it is, I didn't make out with her after she was gone for 3 years" I grit my teeth.

"You wanna go?" I said.

"Come at me" he said and I lunged at him.

"What's your problem?" he asked.

"You're my problem" I said through grit teeth, my hands around his throat.

"Get off me!" he said.

"Matt! Luke!" said Ashton and Nash pulling us apart.

"What's you're problem?!" Nash said, I pushed Ashton away from me as Nash helped Luke up.

"I'm not the one with a problem" I said.

"I wasn't the one that tackled someone else!" Luke said.

"Lexi is mine! she liked me before she ever liked you!" I said.

"Lexi is her own person, she isn't anyones until she agrees to be, I learned that from experience" Nash said and I continued to glare at Luke.

A/N: Absolutely not something Matt would do but I guess its not because its a fanfic lol


Switched (Nash Grier and Cameron Dallas)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora