Nash and Cam Jr.-80

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Lexi's POV

"What?! We have to go then! NOW!!" I said getting out of the pool.

"Lexi, Lexi Calm down" Luke said, I ignored him, drying my hair.

"What happened to Kaya?! is she gonna be all right? I have to see her right now" I rambled as I started to walk out of the pool room, Luke put his hands on my shoulder and turned me so I was facing him.

"Lexi, before anything, before we go and see if Kaya is okay, you need to calm down, you're no help to anyone if you're panicking like that" Luke said, I let in a deep breath.

"I'm sorry Luke, I'm just really really worried about Kaya" I said to him.

"Its okay, let's go" he said and we ran.

When we got to the hospital I must have been a wreck, my hair was still dripping wet and my eyes were red, not because of crying, because of swimming.

"Hey Lexi" Nash said when we got there and hugged me, at first I was a little surprised but I hugged him back.

"Hey Nash, how's Kaya?" I asked.

"Okay, she has to get stitches, stepped on a tin can like Cam did" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Don't worry, she'll be fine, Cam's with her" he said.

"Can I go see her?" I asked.

"Yeah, let's go to her room" he said and we did.

"Hey Kay, Cam" I waved when we entered the room she was in.

"Hey Lex" Kay smiled.

"Wait a minute, young lady what is your relation to Hayley Williams, friend or sister?" the nurse asked, I turned to Kaya and smiled at her then turned back to the nurse.

"Both" I said with a grin, she returned the smile and nodded.

"Okay, well in a few minutes Miss Williams will be getting her stitches" I nodded and she left.

"Both?" Kaya asked, a grin playing on her lips.

"Yes" I nodded.

"The two of you remind me of Nash and I a couple years back" Cam said and I shrugged.

"You wanna stay in here with her?" Cam asked when Nash left.

"You'll let me?" I asked.

"Why wouldn't I let my sister stay with my other sister?" he asked.

"You know, our family is very very confusing but I'd take it any day" I said and hugged him.

"Yeah, same, okay I'm gonna go, word of advice though Lex, Kay might need to squeeze your hand" he said, he hugged Kaya and then left.

"Happy Birthday" I said and she laughed.

Kaya's POV

"You too" I said, Lexi grinned, she looked happy though I could see worry in her eyes.

"We haven't seen each other all day and when we do I look awful and your about to get stitches" she said, giggling, I gave her a small smile,

"I'm scared Lexi" I said nervously.

"I would be worried if you weren't nervous at all, Kaya, its okay to be scared, you're human" she squeezed my hand and smiled warmly.

"Thanks Lex, to be honest I'm glad you're here, Cam was getting all worried as if he hadn't experienced this before" we both laughed.

"Miss Williams, are you ready?" a doctor asked.

"As ready as I'll ever be" I sighed.

Lexi's POV

"Do I need to wear crutches?" Kaya asked and I chuckled though she had a death grip ok my hand.

"I don't think you wear crutches, Cam made that clear" I said and she managed a small smiled.

"So yes then, I'm gonna getting crutches?" she asked and I nodded.

"How long?" she asked as the doctor pulled the string, she flinched.

"Stay still" the doctor said.

"Sorry sorry" Kaya said.

"I don't know how long, I think it depends" I replied to her.

"And you're done!" The doctor said, I helped Kaya sit up and she examined her foot.

"It looks weird" Kaya announced, I laughed.

"Good to know Kay" and she she grinned at me.


Kaya's POV

"How'd it go?" Cam and Nash asked, I grinned.

"The crutches are gonna take some time to get used to but it was okay" I said, Lexi chuckled.

"Kid squeezed my hand sooo hard" she said and Nash put his arm around her and she didn't push him away, i was happy they weren't fighting as like the used to.

"Remember when you guys used to fight 24/7'" I asked, Nash and Lexi looked embarrassed.

"I'm a big girl now" Lexi said.

"Yeah me too, but I'm a guy" Nash shrugged and Lexi laughed, I felt someone tap my shoulder and I turned around with some difficulty to see Shawn and Taylor.

"Hey Shawn, Taylor" I waved.

"We're sorry" Taylor said.

"For what?" I asked.

"That" Shawn said.

"My foot? It'll heal no need to worry" I said.

"Can we hang out some other time? you know, with out having i bring you to the ER" Taylor asked.

"Yeah, let's do that" I smiled at them and they smiled back.


I was a Tardis for Halloween

It was fun I got candy

I'm eating some right now

Yum yum yum


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