Chapter Sixteen-The Effect

Start from the beginning

I snap out of my haze and look up.

"What?" I snap irritably.

Everyone looks a little taken aback at my sudden outburst.

"...I was just saying that we're going to be looking for the place you fell down." Sophie says slowly.

"There's no point! It's not going to be there! The Creators wanted me back here so they've probably closed it off. Even if one of us went down there they'd probably kill you so just slim it and get if our of your shuck brain." I snarl, getting up and leaving.

On my way out I collect a sandwich and a bottle of water from the pile laid out for us Searchers.

I make my way through The Eternal Sleepers to The Searchers Shack, I get a bagpack and slip in my food and water along with one of the notebooks and pencils from the supplies.

When I arrive at The Doors I still have about five minutes to spare so I wait. When the other Searchers turn up we sort out who is running which Section.

"Sophie and I will take Section 8, the one I fell down. Veronica can run Section 7, Mia take Section 5 and 6, you'll need to cover two sections as I'll be with Sophie. Marie you can take Section 4 and 3, until we can find a replacement for Georgia. Janice you can take Section 2 and Ebony you can take Section 1." I order.

They all nod and we split up, the girls heading to the different doors they need to leave out of. 

"Okay. We need to head straight up to the back. We should get there by late afternoon. We can't waste time when we get there though, we need to head straight back." I tell her.

She shrugs. "Whatever you say. As long as I ain't stuck in here with the damned Grievers then I'm happy."

We begin to run and a peaceful silence fills the air.

Well, as peaceful as running in a maze with Grievers can be.

Jonas is lying in his metal bed, staring up at the ceiling.

"Are you okay, man?" A soft voice calls from below him.

"I'm fine Thomas, I'm fine." Jonas blinks.

"You don't sound it." The voice sighs.

Then, the dark haired boy climbs up the bunk bed ladder. Jonas shifts over a little to make room for the boy.

"I feel like I should be fine." He bites his lip, staring down at his hands.

Thomas says nothing for a few moments, contemplating how to cheer up his acquaintance.

"You did what you had to do." Thomas murmurs.

"I didn't even try to talk to her when she came out, either. I should've. She just wouldn't have known who I was. Now I think about it, maybe I would have triggered something in her. I wouldn't even have to tell her who I was." He rambles.

"You're saying crazy things, you know that?" Thomas shakes his head.

"I feel so guilty. She seemed so happy with that boy, Newt. Now he's slowly slipping into depression and her vitals are slowly but surely dropping. What if she tries to kill herself, Thomas? What do I do then?" He stammers inbetween sobs. 

"WICKED is good." Thomas grumbles. "You did what you were told. Everything comes with a reason. If you hadn't done what you had to do then the next step wouldn't have as much of a dramatic effect on the Killzone Patterns, Jonas."

Mystery Girl (A MAZE RUNNER FANFIC) Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now