Chapter Twenty-Arguements

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Gif of: Sophie (yes I only just put her in the casting as she was only a minor character before)

Newt isn't here when I wake up, so I am alone in my room.

What did he mean last night? Surely his words meant something. Why would he say that?

I try to shake off the feeling and clamber into my wheelchair with very little success. I shrug on a pair of shorts and a pastel green shirt laid at the bottom of my bed. 


He doesn't want to speak to me, yet he is doing these little things. I suck in my breath as I slip on my material, along with the lyrics. He doesn't want to talk...He doesn't want to be friends. Fine, but I am keeping this as a memory of how close we used to be. I shove the lyrics in it along with the photograph, hiding them from the world.

The sheet of paper is pretty crumpled now, from moving about behind the scrap of material. I should probably rewrite it but I can't bring myself to do it. It's those lyrics that describe how I feel.

I tie my hair up in a messy bun, to keep my hair out of my eyes.

"New day, new Zoner." I remind myself, keeping my eyes trained on my hands.

I wheel myself out of The Homestead and to Frypans Kitchen, to get myself something to eat. 

"So we meet again, hm? Seems like you can't keep away from me." I hear a taunting voice.

Claudie...Funny how I barely even know him yet he is already getting on my nerves. Almost like a brother yet that is far from possible as we look nothing alike. 

He is decent looking though, I won't argue with that. Maybe not as much as Newt but that might be as I have feelings for him.

"Dumb shank, you really need to be taught a lesson y'know. If my back was working I'd jump up and give you a two footer to the face. Not that I'm that flexible, but you can imagine the pain it would inflict." I smirk.

"What do you want?" Frypan peers down. "Porridge?"

I nod once and he piles it into a bowl before handing it to me.

I sit alone, at a small secluded table. Veronica clearly hasn't woken up yet. She'll probably make a fuss about being a Runner, well...That was her job. Who are they to take it from her?

I suppose the boys have different expectations. If everyone is going to start getting jobs then I'll be getting one too. Probably a Med-Jack or something simple.

I want to be a Runner but in this wheelchair, I don't think that's likely. At all.

I sigh a little, letting my shoulders droop.

If Newt doesn't stop ignoring me then the other boys will stop speaking to me too. As they have known Newt longer, surely they'll take his side and ignore me?

I don't even want there to be sides.

I just want Newt back, yes I get that he is living and that he is alive but it's not like he is living at the minute. It's like...He's just..There. But like he is unresponsive.

"You look rough." Claudie remarks, sitting infront of me.

I look up, annoyed.

"Tell me something I don't already know." I snort.

"I'm willing to be your friend." He raises an eyebrow.

"Cool, well. Once my real friends stop being so distant because I saved someones life then you are free to sit with us but at the minute I'm just a loner, who's sulking over how it sucks to be in a wheelchair and currently has hardly any real friends." I say slowly, looking up at him from underneath my eyelashes.

Mystery Girl (A MAZE RUNNER FANFIC) Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now