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"IS SADIE GETTING SICK?" Daryl asked Remmi, his voice in a low whisper as he shrugged his jacket on. "She wouldn't stop coughin' all night."

"Should I stay then?" Remmi was referring to the run her, Daryl and few others were supposed to be taking soon.

"If you wanna, but Ellie'll be here too. I'm sure she can handle a cold,"

Remmi sighed, "I guess you're right,"

The young woman made her way over to Sadie, a twelve year old girl the two had found together while on a run. That was a little over a month ago and the young girl was still adjusting.

Remmi leaned up to the top bunk, then checked for a fever, finding Sadie to be a little warm. "She has a bit of a fever. Big Shot's gotta have cold medicine,"

Daryl nodded, grabbing Remmi's jacket, then giving it to her. She shrugged it on before waking Sadie up.


"We'll be back soon, okay? Do you want anything?" Remmi asked her.

Sadie was quiet for a while before shaking her head and turning back over. Remmi told the young girl that Ellie would be in to check on her soon and that they'd be back as soon as possible.

With that, the couple walked down the steps together, heading out to the courtyard to find Ellie and Carol eating breakfast.

"Oh look who it is," Ellie smiled, "Haven't seen much of you two since you found Sadie."

"We're helpin' her get adjusted," Daryl defended. The man was already protective of Sadie, something he never saw himself ever doing.

Ellie just smiled, happy to see the new Daryl. Remmi smiled too, looking up at Daryl. She was happy that he was happy. He had been through a lot— They both have. But they both had been much happier lately.

"Good morning Daryl! Hey, Remmi!" The two had heard greetings throughout their morning almost every morning.

Daryl shuddered at the greetings, earning a laugh from Ellie and Carol. "You gotta learn how to accept kindness sometime," Carol commented, stifling a laugh.

"Yeah whatever," Daryl mumbled, taking a piece of meat and putting it into his mouth.

"Mr. Dixon? Sir, I just wanna say thank you for getting food for us and I would love to shake your hand," Patrick, one of the boys, said as he came up to the four adults.

Daryl looked from Remmi to Patrick before licking his fingers and shaking the boys hand.

"Thank you sir," Patrick grinned then walked off.

Remmi just laughed, grabbing a plate of food before sitting down to enjoy it.

When the group members went inside the Big Shot, they immediately split up into their assigned aisles with bags and carts. Remmi made sure to grab cough medicine for Sadie along with pain killers and a few other medical necessities. Minutes had passed before a loud crash was heard throughout the entire store.

As Remmi turned the corner, she saw Bob on the floor with Daryl and Beth's boyfriend, Zach, around him. Tyrese, Sasha and Glenn were right behind Remmi as Bob began to explain.

"It-It just collapsed on me," He rambled.

"It's alright, let's just-let's get it off of him," Daryl said, sighing before telling Zach to help him. As the two men made a move to get the wine shelf off of Bob, a Walker came crashing down through the ceiling, getting caught on wires.

"Uh, we should probably go now," Glenn said, looking from the Walker hanging to Bob on the floor.

"No shit," Remmi replied, the adrenaline causing her to become out of breath.

"We still gotta get Bob," Daryl yelled as another Walker came through the ceiling.

"We'll hole em' off," Michonne said, taking her Katana out. As more Walkers fell through the roof, the more shots went off. Remmi was throwing the dead off of her left and right, trying to kill every single one of them. The more they came down, the more impossible it was for them to get rid of them all.

"Head for the doors!" Daryl yelled. The group did as told, making their way there, slowly but surely. When they all made it outside, including Bob, they noticed Zach wasn't out with them.

"He... He didn't make it," Daryl sighed, shrugging the bag onto his shoulders. The group had no words. None of them expected any of that to happen. They had gone a whole month with no accident and the entirety of it all was falling apart before their eyes.

The six of them walked slowly to the vehicle, driving even slower back to the prison.

When they arrived, it was nightfall. They were all exhausted.

"I'm gonna go give Sadie this medicine," Remmi told Derek as she reached in her bag for it.

Daryl nodded, "I'm gonna go talk to Beth. I'll see ya in a minute," He told her, kissing her head before they both went their separate ways. When Remmi walked into their cell, Andrew was in there with Sadie, a glass of water in her hand.

"It seems like her fever went down, but I can't tell," He admitted, taking the cup from Sadie.

"Are you feeling any better sweetie?" Sadie just shrugged her shoulders.

"Here," Remmi said, opening the medicine and giving her some, "Take this and hopefully, you'l; be feeling better. You can shower in the morning and I'll change your sheets." Remmi told the thirteen year old.

"Thanks Rem. I feel gross," Sadie responded, swallowing the two pills whole.

"Get some sleep Sadie," Andrew said, rubbing her shoulder. "I'll see you in the morning." Andy kissed his sister on the cheek and walked out of the cell just as Daryl walked in.

"You feelin' better chica?" Daryl asked her.

"I'm alright, just tired still,"

"You and me both kid," Daryl admitted. "I think we all need some sleep."

Nodding in agreement, the cell door was shut, the inside covered by the blanket. Daryl them left the room, heading for a shower as Sadie turned over and immediately fell asleep. Remmi then turned off the light before taking off her jeans and changing into a t-shirt. The woman climbed into the cell bed, waiting for Daryl to get back.

Her flashlight was turned on and a book opened on her lap. Fifteen minutes later, Daryl returned and climbed into bed with Remmi, laying on her lap.

"I'm sorry about Zach..." She began, "I know you two were close."

"I'm just... I'm tired of loosin' people, is all,"

Remmi just nodded, turning off her flashlight and closing the book. The two of them fell asleep that night, the memories of the day repeating in their brain. They were afraid to get too comfortable again. The fear of loosing another scared them both too much.

But in fact, things were about to get a whole lot worse. A storm was coming, one that none of them were prepared for.


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