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REMMI PULLED AT THE duct tape that was around her wrists. How did she end up here?

Of course, she knew how, but the entire situation was crazy. Remmi knew of the dead, but she just assumed the people were still good. That all people were good.

She thought wrong.

Remmi just sighed as gave up on trying to get the duct tape off. She stood up and started to look around the room. It was more of a storage room. Boxes scattered the floor, miscellaneous items inside.

She started to look through them, finding nothing of a useful weapon inside any of the boxes. If need be she could use the lamp. Remmi layed it out anyway.

Suddenly, the door swung open, revealing someone Remmi thought she'd never see again.

"Miss me sweetheart?"

"Grab that duck!" Maggie laughed as Glenn looked at her.


"Yeah! And grab that bear too. Would Andy like it?" Maggie asked.

Remmi looked out from behind the truck to look at the pink bear, "Oh yeah," Remmi snickered. "That little girl has been adoring pink so far."

"She's adorable. Her chubby little cheeks!" Maggie gushed. Remmi just laughed along with Glenn.

The three of them laughed together, enjoying the moment outside of the prison.

"Do we have everything?" Glenn asked.

Remmi looked through the three baskets. "Yeah, we got the formula right?"

"Yeah it's right here," Maggie said, placing the basket down.

"Alright, let's head back to the prison," Remmi told the group.

Shutting the trunk, Remmi moved to the front with Glenn and Maggie.

"I like the quiet," Maggie huffed, setting the red basket down and stretching her arms.

Remmi nodded and smiled, "I couldn't agree more,"

"Even back at home you can hear 'em from outside the gates,"

Before Glenn could reply, a loud voice boomed over them saying, "And where is it ya'll kind folk call home?"

The three of them quickly drew their guns, pointing it at the man. Remmi didn't recognize him at first. The blood running down from his nose made it almost impossible to recognize him. Almost.

"Merle?" Glenn asked, squinting a bit in the hot Georgia sun.

Merle Dixon laughed, putting down his gun and walking closer to the group of three. Maggie then told him to back up, to which Merle obliged.

"You made it," Glenn stated.

"How did you even-How'd you get out of the cuffs?" Remmi asked.

Merle ignored her question, moving onto the obvious, "Is my brother alive?"

Glenn looked at Remmi who responded, "Yeah... Yeah he is,"

Merle laughed, punching the air, "Just take me to him. Uh, take me to him and we can call it even. Everything that happened in Atlanta, it's over and done with,"

"No way," Remmi told him, "We'll go get Daryl and then he'll come out to meet you. Okay?"

"Come on, you can trust me," Merle smiled wide.

"No," Glenn refused, "You trust us. You stay here."

Merle just smirked, nodding a bit. Suddenly, Merle reached behind him, pulling a gun and shooting the back window. Glenn and Remmi went one way, Maggie going the other. When Glenn and Remmi circled around, they saw Merle holding a gun to Maggie's head.

"Let go," Glenn said, "Let go of her!"

Merle just smirked, looking at their guns. Glenn looked at Remmi with pleading eyes after he had put his own down. Remmi shook her head, throwing her gun off to the side.

"That's right," Merle praised, "Now get in the car."

When the two didn't move, Merle yelled, "Get in the damn car! Remmi, you're drivin'!"

Remmi huffed, getting into the drivers side, Merle in the front with Glenn and Maggie in the back.

As Remmi drove off, her eyes wondered to the side. There she saw a dark colored woman along with a brunette haired man. Ignoring it, Remmi drove off.

"I got someone who wants to see you," Merle smiled as he looked at Remmi. "Detective Roberts ring any bells?"

Remmi looked at Merle, her eyes going wide. He wasn't alive. There was no way in hell he was alive.

Is there?

"So explain this to me again," Rick asked Andrew as he bounced Andy in his lap.

Andrew huffed, "Your damn brother took my sister. Along with Maggie and Glenn," He said, looking Daryl in the eye. "He took her to that God-forsaken place where that monster is."

"Who?" Ellie asked and Andrew gave her the look, "You don't mean..? That bastard's alive?"

"Damn right,"

"Alright, what's going on? You've lost us all entirely," Rick huffed.

"Derek. And if he gets his hands on her, Rick, he'll kill her,"

"Who's Derek?" Beth asked.

Ellie sighed, along with Andrew who replied, "He's the son of a bitch she tried to kill,"

Daryl looked at Andrew, his eyes going wide, "She what?"

"That abusive ass almost killed her. On more than one occasion," Andrew started. "

And just like that, Remmi's past came known to the group. What Derek did to her, how dangerous he was. And how if he saw her and knew she was in Woodbury, he would kill her before they even got to her.

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