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Five Months Later

Justin's pov

Well Elizabeth's eight months pregnant and she is asleep right now. I am playing video games with Ryan and Chaz. Elizabeth and I found out the due date for the twins. It's in September of this year when she isn't going to be here she'll be in Arizona.

"Justin" I turned around to see Elizabeth standing at the door of my room here at NYU.

"Yeah baby?" I ask her yes we're back at NYU. Chaz and Ryan are just visiting.

"I'm gonna be hanging out with Kelly in Carters room" she tells me as she kissed my cheek and left my room.

"How have things been since you've come back?" Ryan asks me

"they've been alright I guess I mean her and I are doing alright" I say running my hand through my hair while leaning back in my computer chair. 

"What's on your mind?" Chaz asks me

"I think she's gonna break up with me" is all I say when I get a text. I grabbed my phone and see that it's from Elizabeth. After I read the screen my head fell back and I wanted to cry. Why? Elizabeth just broke up with me, but also said that I can be involved with the boys and maybe her and I can try and be together in the future.

"Justin?" I looked up to see Serina at my door

"What are you doing here?" I ask her

"I want you back" is all she says as I looked at Ryam and Chaz.

"No" is all I say


"Why? Are you kidding me right now?  You ruined my life in high school. You almost caused the mother of my child to have a miscarriage. Serina I wouldn't ever take you back for all the money in the world not even if my life depended on it. So please leave me alone because we are never going to happen again" I say as she gave me a cold stare.

"Doors right behind you bye" I say waving my hand while seeing her mouth fall wide open. Serina turned around and walked out the door.

"Ugh what the hell am I going to do? I just lost the love of my life for the second time and I can't take this shit anymore I gotta get out of here" I say standing up and leaving my room. Ryan and Chaz followed behind me. I walked up to my car and got in. I started her up while the two of them got in the car.

"Justin where are we going?" Chaz asks me

"That's for me to know and for you two to find out later" I tell them as I leave New York City.

Elizabeth's pov

I am laying in my room crying my eyes out. Why? I broke up with Justin. Why am I crying over that? I didn't want to. Why did I? I was forced to. By who? By the one bitch that tried so hard to get me away from Justin over Christmas break.

"Because of you he wouldn't take me back" I hear someone say as I got quiet.

"How is that my fault Serina?" I ask her while feeling a sharp pain in the back of my head. I hissed out in pain she was pulling me up by my hair to make me look at her. I didn't look at her.

"Listen here bitch you're going to do everything you can to convince Justin to take me back" she says as I smirked while giving her a cheeky grin.

"What's so fu-" she fell before she could even finish talking. I laughed to myself I rolled her over with my foot and saw her softly breathing.

"Ugh too bad" I say to myself as I drag her out of my room and into the hallway. I grabbed my shoes, phone and keys. I locked the door and dragged her to the top of the staircase. I looked down at her with a smirk. Lucky for me everyone's partying tonight. I pushed her with my foot and watched her roll down the stairs. When she reached the bottom I could see that she was starting to wake up.

I walked down to the bottom of the stairs and kicked her down another flight. This time Serina groaned when she hit the bottom. To be completely honest after all the shit that I've been through I think I'm becoming a psychopath.

I miss Justin. I pulled my phone out and looked through my contact list right when it started ringing.

Liz: hello?

Justin: hey where are you?

Liz: um heading towards the cafe why?

"Get in the car" I hear someone say

"Why?" I ask Justin as I looked at him

"Please just get in the car so we can talk" he says as he leaned over and opened the door.

"Ugh fine" I say as I get in and shut the door.

"What do you want?" I ask as I buckled up

"We need to talk about why the hell you broke up with me" he says as we leave New York

"Justin I broke up with you because I need to be alone" I tell him

"I don't buy it that's a load of bullshit and you know it. I know for a fact that Serina is the one who put you up to it" he says as we enter Long Island.

"What are we doing in Long Island?" I ask him

"That's for me to know and for you to find out later" he tells me as he pulls up in front of an apartment building. I unbuckled when he parked the car.

We got out and headed up the stairs. As we walked Justin pulled the keys out of his jacket pocket. The door number said 22 on it Justin put the key in the lock.

"Guys I'm back" justin says as I see Ryan and Chaz come around the corner.

"Seriously Justin what am I doing here?" I ask him as I sat down slowly

"We are all here to get away for the weekend" he tells me

"No I can-can't I have to turn in my song with Leston first thing tomorrow morning I-I ha-have to get back" I say as I ran my fingers through my hair

"Elizabeth look at me alright I'll take you back in an hour, but for now can we just spend some time together with Ryan and Chaz?" He asks me

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