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Elizabeth's pov

I am at the park with Parker and we are sitting under a tree. It's been an actual decent day. Parker's been texting on his phone for the past ten minutes, but I don't mind.

"So I heard you took Justin his guitar pick this morning" he says while looking at me

"Yeah he dropped it when he was running with Mason and I thought I would take it to him. There's no harm in being nice right?" I ask him

"No and word is that you two hooked up at the party" he tells me

"Me? Him? We hooked up? I hooked up with that arrogant piece of work?" I ask him as he just looked at me

"Yeah Liz and don't make a big deal out of it alright" he says

"Parker I'm not that kind of girl my mother raised me better than that" I tell him as à breeze blew through my hair. By the end of the year my hair is gonna be long as hell along with a different style. Anyway not like that matters. I saw Parker grab his phone again and I looked out at the open area surrounding us when à shadow blocked out the sun.

I looked up to see Annie, Sami, Aaron and Carter.

"Hey you two did you not have class today?" Carter asks us

"Nope, but we do tomorrow" Parker tells them as my phone buzzed with a text message from sister.

Emily: hey Lizzy I can't wait to see you on Saturday which is tomorrow and meet your friends I love you xoxox

I smiled and put my phone back in my bag. I stuck a strand of hair behind my ear and when I looked up I saw Alexandria talking to Justin and Mason. I mentally rolled my eyes and looked at the leaves that were falling off the tree that we're sitting under.

"Oh yeah how did class go yesterday?" Carter asked us

"It was fine" I say as I cought Justin looking at me. He gave me a smirk and I looked away.

"Wait did you say that we have class tomorrow?" I ask Parker as he looked at me

"No no no we can't have class tomorrow all of our parents are coming tomorrow" I say as I ran my fingers through my hair

"I know, but we're gonna be in there from eight to twelve Liz" he tells me.

"Oh what? Why are we having class so early? We usually don't start till twelve" I ask him

"I don't know Mrs. Walters just said be there by eight tomorrow morning" he tells me

Awesome. This is great. Oh well I rose to my feet and picked up my bag. Why am I leaving? I have to get to the studio and meet Leston. As I walked by I cought à glimpse of Justin and Alexandria. She looked at me like bitch keep walking.

Jesus Christ take the wheel please. I got around the corner that lead to the studio. I walked in and sat my bag down. I grabbed a water and took a sip.

"Knock knock" I hear someone say I turned to see the she devil. Ugh

"What do you want Alexandria?" I ask her as I look for my sheet music

"I just want to make one thing clear between us" she says

"Okay whatever it is I don't care, but you're gonna tell me anyways with your prissy ass self" I say as I covered my mouth

"I didn't mean to say that what is it that you wanted to tell me?" I ask her as I tried to find my phone.

"I want you to stay away from Justin okay he's mine and I don't want you talking to him" she says as I turned to face her and manage to put my hair into whatever I could.

"Oh I didn't know you were together" I say

"We aren't not yet at least" she says as I mentally laughed and actually rolled my eyes to make sure she could see my face.

"Okay now leave I have things to do bye!" I say as I shut the door in her face. I walked over to my music sheet and read it over.

"I am so sorry I'm late I got cought up in photography class" Leston says as he cames through the door with Justin behind him.

Oh my god!

"It's fine Leston don't worry about it. Not to be rude, but why is he here?" I ask him

"Oh I ran into him on my way into the studio" he tells me

"Oh okay well um I gotta go do something really quick then we can get started when I get back. I grabbed my phone and walked out the door.

Conversation between Elizabeth and Parker

Liz: hey what are you doing? .

Parker: nothing just working on my new design for Mr. Aldermans class why are you whispering?

Liz: because I need to tell you something about Justin and Alexandria

Parker: alright well spill

Liz: okay hes in the studio right now with me and Leston

Parker: okay then where are you?

Liz: around the corner of the studio anyway Alexandria told me to stay away from Justin because he's hers and I was like I didn't know you two were together and she was like we aren't not yet at least and I'm freaking out because I'm not supposed to be around him or talk to him

Parker: wait a minute dont tell me that your actually doing what she told you to do

Liz: yes that bitch is crazy Parker!

Parker: Liz? Liz are you there? .

End of conversation between Elizabeth and Parker

"liz is everything alright?" I turned around to see Leston

"Y-yeah everything's fine just uh wanted to make a quick phone call you know to see what Parker's doing" I say scratching the back of my neck.

"Liz we can just work on the song Monday I think you need to go out clear your mind and do whatever else you think you should do" he tells me

"Oh Leston I don't know I mean this has to be done by the end of the day today" I say

"Liz I swear it's fine go" he says as I looked at him

He pulled me in for a hug and I headed back into the studio to get my stuff.

"I like your song" I hear Justin say as I looked up at him

"Uh thanks" I say grabbing it and leaving the room. I took my hair down and made it out the doors. A chill ran up my spine as the cold air hit me.

"Ugh why? What's wrong with me?" I say as I started walking down the street and back to the dorms.

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