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Leaving for Home

Elizabeth's pov

"Alright girl I want you to call me if anything happens" Kelly tells me

"Got it and you do the same" I tell her as we drove to the airport. Everyone has managed to find a ride to the airport.

"So what's up with you and Justin?" She asks me as we turn down the street

"What do you mean?" I ask her as she parked the car.

"I mean did you guys?" She asks

"Oh no I mean Kelly I have some news and the last time it happened I lost my angel" I say as I looked out the window.

"You mean your?" She asks

"Yes Kelly I'm pregnant again and Justin Bieber is the father" I say as we get out

"No Kelly I just can't tell him after we all board our planes he has to drive all the way back to New York and then drive all the way to New Jersey" I say

"You two talking about me?" I jumped and hit my head on the car.

"Uh n-no we aren't talking about you" I say as I rub my head. I looked at Kelly like you wanna help me out here?

"Oh uh Justin Elizabeth has something to tell you" she says as my mouth fell open

"He has a right to know Liz" she says

"I have a right to know what?" He asks me

"N-nothing I-I- prom-promise" I stutter

"Elizabeth what's wrong? Obviously it's something what's bothering you?" He asks me while he pushed my hair out of my face.

"I don't want to tell you" I say

"Why not? Liz what's been going on?" He asks me

"I don't want to ruin your Christmas" I tell him

"Elizabeth I'm sure that whatever it is it won't ruin my Christmas" he says

I felt my eyes start to water. I really do want to tell him even though I said I dont want to. Yes he does have a right to know.

"I'm um your gonna-" he cut me off

"Your pregnant" he says as he looks at me

"How did you know?" I ask him

"The way you were just trying to tell me that's what you did the last time it's alright I promise and believe me you telling me this just made my Christmas a hundred times better" he says as he gave me a smile

"Really?" I ask him

"Of course" he says

"Girl we gotta get inside or you're gonna miss your flight" Kelly says as I looked at her.

"I guess I'll see you when you get back after New Years" he says

"Unless I go with you to New Jersey" I say

"No as great as that sounds you need to spend time with your family" he tells me

"Alright I'll see you when I get back" I say

"Elizabeth" he says as I look at him

"I love you" is all Justin says

"I love you too" I say as we head inside before I could get through the door Justin gave me a kiss.

"Bye" he says

"Bye and I guess when I get back we can talk about-"

"Liz!" Kelly yells

"Yeah I'd like that" he says as I boarded the plane.

Justin's pov

After Elizabeth boarded the plane I headed back to the car. Mason and Leston both live in Tennessee so yeah. I got into the car when my phone rang.

Justin: hello?

Mum: hey baby what are you doing?

Justin: leaving the airport and driving all the way from New York to New Jersey

Mum: oh baby it's almost eleven I don't want you driving so late Jay

Justin: mum I'll be fine I promise I'll see all of you soon I love you

Mum: I love you more Jay

She hung up and I kept driving. As I drove Elizabeth came to my mind. I can't believe I'm going to have a second chance at being a father. My phone rang again

Justin: aye

Liz: Justin

Justin: Elizabeth what's wrong?

Liz: there's been a change of plans and they won't let me board the plane

Justin: why not?

Liz: cause by the time I have to come back to New York I won't be able to traveI so can you?

Justin: I'm on my way

She hung up and I pulled over into a parking lot and turned around. As I drove back to the airport I could picture Elizabeth's face because she wasn't able to go home for Christmas and New Years. As I pulled up to the airport I walked inside and saw her sitting down by the door. I walked over to her and sat next to her.

She laid her head on my shoulder and she snifled.

"Come on let's get you out of here. Did you call your mum?" I ask her as I grabbed her suitcase.

"Y-yeah I did this just sucks a lot" she tells me as she buckled up.

"I know it does and I'm sorry" I say as I turned left. 

I kept driving straight until I reached the turn off. I saw a McDonald's and I pulled in.

"You want anything? I figured you might be hungry" I ask her she turned to look at me and she didn't say anything. 

"Oh I don't know I mean I don't want you to spend your money on me Justin" she says as she looked down at her lap.

"Really? Elizabeth I don't mind" I tell her

"Alright Jay" she says as we looked at each other after she realized what she called me. She got out of the car and waited for me to get out.

To be completely honest she doenst have anything to be worried about. She isn't even showing yet. Hell she's not even a month pregnant yet. Sorry for ranting I'm just stating facts. I got out of the car and headed inside with her.

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