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Elizabeth's pov

As I sat on the couch with Jason we watched whatever we could find on tv. My hair fell in my face as I looked down and it almost went into my food. Ugh I don't have a hairbow. I need a haircut. Anyways I finished my food and headed towards the kitchen. I sat my plate in the sink when Jason did the same with his. I turned the sink on and decided to wash them.

"Liz you dont have to do that" he tells me

"I know, but I want to" I say as I look up at him

After I had finished doing that I headed to the bathroom to brush my teeth and go to bed. I told Jason goodnight and was out like a light.

"You're so beautiful did you know that?" Jason asks me as we just sat on the couch

"I can't tell you how many times I've been told that" I say as I look down at my lap when he lifted my chin with his thumb and index finger.

"They've probably told you, but never actually meant it like I do" he tells me as he scooted closer to me. Jason pushed my hair out of my face and started to lean in. For some reason I didn't stop him I let it happen. His lips met mine and he pulled me onto his lap. As we fought for dominance he stood up causing my legs to instantly wrap around him. We pulled apart and looked at one another as I noticed were now upstairs. Jason opened his bedroom door and shut it with his foot. As he held me he managed to slip my shirt off and lay me flat on my back.

Jason hovered over me and placed my hands at the ends of his waist. I pulled his shirt over his head as his lips met mine again. My hands roamed his body when they got caught in his carmeel colored hair. Jason's lips left mine and made their way down the valley of my breasts.

"Holy shit" I say sitting up and running my hands through my hair

"Ah it was just a dream thank god" I say to myself as I looked at the time. Its three in the morning I laid back down and stared at the ceiling realizing I just had another sexual dream about Jason and me. What does it even mean? Am I attracted to Jason? Do I want to sleep with Jason? I'm so confused. Just picturing Jason's face makes me miss Justin. How? His Carmel colored hair and his muscular body with all his tattoos.

Justin's pov

"Son of a bitch man this is bullshit!" I yell through the cell door

"Justin stop" I hear Alex tell me

"No this bastard is lying I didn't even touch him!" I yell squeezing the bars and almost breaking the door. Oh I could beat the living shit out of all of these guards that are standing right here. I let go of the bars and sat down next to Alex and Ryder.

"They can't pin this shit on me because I didn't fucking do it" I say running my fingers through my hair. I miss Elizabeth her long brown hair and beautiful brown eyes and the way she plays with the little hairs on the back of my neck. I took a deep breath in and let it out slowly and thought. Why would someone go through this much trouble to keep me in here? It racked my brain and I figured it out. I got you mother fucker. I smirked to myself and I saw Beson at the cell door.

I rose to my feet and walked over to the door.

"Hey Benson can I talk to you for a minute?" I ask him and he walked over to me

"What Bieber?" He asks me

"If you help me with a small favor I'll help you land a date with Parker" I whisper as he looked at me

"Alright here's the thing I didn't do this and you know I didn't do this so I need you to help me out in mess hall when it's time for dinner" I tell him

"What do you need me to do?" He asks me

"I need you to keep look out while I sneak into the surveillance room and check the footage to see who really did it" I tell him

"I can do it you have my word" he says as I walk away and sit back down.

"What was that all about?" Alex asks me

"Dont worry about that alright just let me worry about it" I say as I smile at the both of them.

Two Hours Later

Justin's pov

Well it's time. I left my table and walked over to Anders hes one of the guards and a member of Jase's gang. I gave him the signal and he got ready along with Benson and Sam.

"Bieber are we gonna have a problem here?" Anders asks me

"Gee I don't know are we Anders why dont you tell me" I say as I took my hand and shoved him into the wall.

"Watch it Bieber!" Sam says

"Or what your gonna hit me with that and send me to solitary confinement with your rental cop looking ass" I say

That's when I felt something hit me in the back of my head. I looked down to see a can I looked at the person who threw it and I decked them in the face and we actually ended up getting into a fight. Lucky enough for me Anders, Sam and Beson drug me out of the mess hall. They lead me straight to the surveillance room and lucky enough it's empty. I stepped inside while Benson and Sam kept lookout. I sat down and searched through the tapes. I looked and looked and looked when I quickly reminded and paused the video.

That sneaky son of a bitch. Ha he thinks he can get away with setting me up we'll see about that just wait. This mother fucker is getting a beat down as soon as I get released, but for now since his brother's my little bitch I'm gonna make him talk. Oh man is he going to regret crossing me. I may not be a McCann, but I'm just as fucking worse even for a Bieber. I walked out the door and Benson cuffed me and lead me back to my cell since I got into a fight.

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