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Three Weeks Later

Elizabeth's pov

No! No! No! I can't be! I grabbed my bag and my phone. I left my dorm and headed for the store. Shit my ass was out of the building in less than five minutes. On my way out I ran into my other friend Kelly.

"Hey girl you okay?" She asks me

"I uh I don't know I'm kind of worried" I say as I walked through the doors.

"Why what's wrong?" She asks me

"Kelly I'm late and I'm worried" I say as I found the pregnancy tests. I grabbed two and headed for the register.

"Oh Liz I'm sorry" she says as I pay for them and stick them in my bookbag.

"Its fine I'll let you know when I find out" I say running down the street. As I was running I bumped into someone and almost fell, but they cought me.

"Hey you okay?" I looked up to see Carter.

"Yeah I'm fine I swear just uh need to get back to my dorm" I say as I straighten my clothes out

"Alright oh and we're all meeting up at the lake tonight" he tells me.

"Alright see you there" I say as I walked around the corner and down the street. I walked through the doors and headed up the stairs to my floor. When I reached my door I about jumped out of my skin.

"Oh my god Sami you scared me what's up?" I ask her as I open the door and walk inside.

"Just wanted to check on you and see if you're okay" she says

"Awe thats sweet, but why wouldn't I be okay?" I ask her

"Cause you've been acting strange the past three weeks and we're all worried about you" she says

"Oh okay well I promise I'm fine" I tell her

"Alright girl oh are you going to the lake tonight?" She asks me before leaving

"Yup I'll see you guys tonight" I say as she left and I shut the door. I grabbed one of the boxes and opened it. I walked into the bathroom and did what I needed to do. I washed my hands and waited for the results. While I waited I played with my hair and I walked over to the sink. I closed my eyes and picked up the test

"Okay 1, 2, 3" I opened my eyes and it said positive.

"No! No! No!" I say as I threw it in the trash and walked out. There's no way I can't be pregnant I mean how?

I heard a knock on my door. I opened it to see Kelly.

"What did it say?" She asked me as I pulled her into my room and shut the door.

"It said positive" I tell her as I started to pace back and forth

"Okay well you bought another one right? Just take that one before you leave for the lake tonight" she tells me

"Youre right, but what if it says positive too? Kelly I cant be a mother at 22 what am I gonna do when I start to gain weight and can't work on my dance routine with Parker?" I ask her

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