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Elizabeth's pov

"What's the matter with me? This is what's the matter with me" I say coming out of my bathroom showing them my neck after I got dressed.

"Oh well then yeah are you just gonna wear your hair down or in a ponytail?" Carter asks me

"I'm just gonna wear it down. I'll put it up when I get there" I say

"Yeah and plus it looked like you were having fun with that guy last night" Aaron says to me

"Guy? What guy?" I ask him

"I don't know his name, but from my perspective it looked like he really liked you besides the fact that you left the party with him" he tells me

"Oh my god" I say as I grabbed my bag and phone. I ran out the door and ran to class. I'm gonna be three minutes late for class. As I ran I said hey to Leston and I got through the studio doors.

"Miss. Moran your three minutes late" she says as I try to regulate my breathing while putting my hair into a ponytail.

"Mrs. Walters I'm sorry I got cought up in my homework" I say lying straight to her face.

"Just get with Parker and get started on practicing the rest of your routine and Miss. Moran don't let it happen again" she says as I go over to where Parker is standing.

"Hey girl you look like you've had à rough morning" he says as we get started

"Oh don't even get me started Parker my friends are driving me crazy" I say as he lifts me

"Which one Sami or Annie?" He asks me as we dance across the room

"Both they dragged me to a party that I didn't want to go to in the first place" I tell him as we finshed what we have for the routine so far.

As I cought my breath I looked out the window and I saw Alexandia. God I can't stand her. She thinks that she is so much better than everyone here. Just because she can dance and sing. I mean i got in for thé same thing, but I don't go around bragging about it.

Mr. Bieber you're late again" we all hear Mrs. Walters say.

"I'm sorry I got cought up with something and didn't realize the time" he says.

"Oh yes and what was so important that you couldn't make it to class on time" she asks him

"I would rather not say and what do you need me to do?" He asks her

"Parker who's he?" I ask him

"I don't know, but everyone says that he's nothing but trouble" he tells me

He walked past us to get to the other side of the studio. He gave me a smile and I rolled my eyes.

"What's wrong?" I hear Parker ask me

"Nothing just aggravated and is he always so areagont?" I ask him while pointing at the guy.

"Apparently that's what everyone says" he tells me

"Parker its only Wednesday and my mom is gonna be here Saturday with Emily" I tell him as we took a break to stretch.

"You sound upset about it" he says

"I'm not I'm worried because I have love bites all over me and she is going to kill me" I tell him as we started to work on the routine again. This time I showed Parker the new moves that I wanted to add to the routine. An hour went by and by the time class was over I couldn't feel my legs anymore.

"So you heading to the caffe for à lotae?" He asks me

"Yes, yes I am because I am exhausted" I say as we leave the studio and head to the caffe shop around the corner.

Later On That Day

Justin's pov

I am leaving the studio to go meet up with my friend Mason. I woke up with a killer headache this morning then Lisa came by my dorm for a little morning fun. So that's why I was late this morning.

"Hey Jay did you have fun last night?" Mason asks me as we turned the corner to head back to the dorms.

"I think so I can't remember anything from last night it's all a blur" I tell him.

"Well acording to everyone and by everyone I mean all the guys in our circle say that you got lucky with this smoking babe last night" he tells me as we walked into his dorm. Technically these dorm rooms have two beds, but I don't have à roommate.

"Really? I wonder what she looks like?" I ask him

"That's her right there" Mason says pointing to the girl that I saw in the studio.

"Her? I hooked up with her last night? Wait I think I remember giving her a drink and kissing her. After that it's all à blur" I say as I watched her walk

"I hope you used something Jay otherwise your gonna be a college daddy" he says patting me on the back.

"Man that's not even funny I'm only 22 and it's my second year here" I say

I started college early and I only have two more years to go till I graduate besides the fact it's the middle of the semester.

"I'm just saying you don't want to be a dad" he says as I lean against the door frame.

"Why do you say that?" I ask him

"Cause Justin being a dad while you're still in college is a lot of work. It'll cause you to fall behind" he tells me as I see her come down the hall again.

"Justin?" He says

"Yeah?" I ask him as I continued to watch her walk down the hall

"Alright I'm just letting you know and I think Daniel told me her name is Elizabeth something" he says as I turned to look at him

"What?" He asks me

"That's Elizabeth Moran I remember her from last night now" I say Oh god.

Sorry allow me to introduce myself. I'm Justin Drew Bieber I'm 22 years old. I have two younger siblings who's names are Jazmyn and Jaxon. I'm from Ontario, Canada and one thing no one knows is that I'm bisexual. There you go. 

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