𝑡𝑤𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑦 𝑓𝑖𝑣𝑒

Start from the beginning

"Are you nervous?" Danny asked and Kingston frowned.

"Do I look nervous? I was trying to play it cool."

Danny smiled, shaking his head as he faced forward.

"You didn't look nervous, impressive. Should do some acting."

"Nah, the camera couldn't get all of me in the frame." He teased and he found himself getting confident again. "Okay, let's do this."

With that affirmation, Danny opened the jet door to be met with screams. Kingston startled by such a thing because when he looked through the window he saw so many people out there just to see Danny.

"Is this normal?"

"Fan girls and boys? I mean...yeah?" Danny shrugged, picking Milla as he walked out. Kingston taking a deep breath as he got at the door and began to walk out too. His eyes settling on all the people as they all suddenly went silent.

A chuckle leaving his lips because he didn't expect to be looking down at so many people. Yet their faces that stared up at him in awe was something he was used to - just not so many at once.

"The more you stand there, the quicker my parents will find out you're here." Danny said in their Bond, Kingston now realizing that there was phones and cameras on them.

Walking down finally, he began to see all their expressions and none had hate. It wasn't bad that it was his generation and younger so that was a plus. Yet he couldn't imagine what it'd be like meeting the older.

Once they were in the car, he sighed relief. Glancing over at Danny as he ruffled his hair around. Smiling as he got out the car and Kingston frowned in confusion.

Noticing Danny begin to do cute signals and everyone cheered. Even giving everyone hearts and clapping cutely before everyone.

"What is he doing?" Kingston asked Milla, and she looked at him with a frown.

"It is...I think it was 'aegyo'. I do not think I'm saying it right."

Kingston nodded, still not knowing what that was. He just saw Danny ball his fists up and put them beside his cheeks, pouting.

"Annyeong haseyo?" ( Hello, how are you? ) Danny gushed in Korean, smiling as he forgot that Kingston has never seen such a thing. Knowing he'd have to explain later.

Hearing hundreds of responses so suddenly and he stepped back slowly.

Bowing slowly as he nodded at as many people as he could. Slowly heading back into his car until he was inside and waving at everyone. Once the door was closed he sighed in relief, looking over at Kingston who looked confused.

Suddenly chuckling as he faced forward.

"It's called 'aegyo,' if you're wondering. It's a cute display of affection that appeals to many people... Umm...it's really customary and normal here so, don't be weirded out if I do it in public a lot." Danny stated, sighing as he looked over to still see Kingston looking at him.

He already saw the look on his face and pouted slightly. Resting his fist under his chin and looked at him all cute-like.

"What's wrong?" Danny asked in a slightly higher-pitched voice while it being child-like, causing Kingston to look away quickly. Covering his mouth as he found him cute.

"It's dangerous how cute that is." Kingston mumbled and Danny smiled soon after.

"Once you do it a lot it just comes naturally."

"I don't know if I should be jealous of you or not." Kingston mocked, shaking his head playfully at such a thing.

Danny looked at Milla as she played on her iPad, making Danny suddenly scoot closer to Kingston. Running his hand up his cheek and turning his head to face him.

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