part 12

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When you got home, you told Yoongi you would make dinner because you felt bad for not helping out. He told you you were silly of course but you still felt like you were slacking.
So you made a vegetable rice dish, while Yoongi had a shower.
You called him and put the plates down on the table, and started eating. When he came out, you couldn't help your breath catching in your throat at how cute he looked.
How does one person look so cute but also attractive and sexy at the SAME TIME!
His hair was wet but fluffy as he shook it with his hand, the contrast of his dark hair and his pale skin just resembled how people thought he was miserable on the outside and how actually, below the surface he was an absolute cutie.
He was wearing a dark gray top and baggy sweatpants and you admired him as he walked over to the table. "That smells amazing!"
You smiled, but you had nothing to say, you were in awe. "What?" He asked, confused as he sat down. "You haven't poisoned it have you?"
You burst out laughing, "no silly!"
"So what are you gawking at?!" He asks, laughing with you.
"You look all cute and soft and stuff..." you muttered shyly.
You looked down at your rice, stirring it with your fork, but he spoke, "(Y/N)," making you look up. "I think you need glasses."
You laughed, "shut up! You're adorable!"
He shook his head, laughing as he ate some food. When he swallowed it he said, "well it won't be long before my hair becomes dead anyway. I think they're going to dye it," he explained, running his hands through it.
"No!" You exclaimed. "But it's so healthy!"
He laughed at your whining, "I know!"
"Can't you ask them not to dye it?" He laughed.
"I mean I guess I could but...I dont know if it would work with the comeback. I think they want it either grey or blonde."
You were about to protest until you heard blonde. "Oh...well I guess...that could look good," you started, images of blonde AgustD Yoongi flashing through your head.
He smirked, "hmm you changed your mind quickly!"
You started to blush and looked up, Yoongi's eyes burning into yours. He wiggles his eyebrows and you couldn't help but smile.
"Oi, stop teasing me!" You exclaimed and both laughed.
You got an early night tonight, the weight of everything today heavy on your shoulders. But Yoongi wanted to carry on working on his laptop.
You slept soundly, but you did wake at around 2am when you felt Yoongi get into the bed, coming behind you and wrapping his arms around your waist, immediately spooning you. You smiled slightly before drifting off again.
The next day, Yoongi woke you up with a peck on the forehead and tried to kiss you properly but you backed away, smiling. "I haven't brushed my teeth Yoongi!"
He shrugged back, "Oh yeah! Ew!"
You laughed and then sighed happily in his arms, your head in his chest.
"I don't want to go to work!" He grumbled and cuddled into your neck, so you were now on your back and he was leant over, hiding in your neck crook.
His head fit perfectly in there and you loved the feeling as he nuzzled, leaving gentle kisses and almost hiding from the world.
You giggled before asking, "why are you going in on a Saturday?"
He sighed and you felt his warm breath hit your neck, tickling you before he said, "because we didn't get everything done yesterday," he groaned, closing his eyes and trying to fall asleep again in your neck.
You ran your hand through his fluffy clean hair and played with it before saying, "well, how about when you get back we go to the cinema? Hmm?"
He hummed into your neck, "we can go and see that new Quentin Tarantino movie? The one with Leonardo DiCaprio?"
You felt him smile and nod against your neck and you chuckled before patting his back. "Now come on, you gotta go."
"Noooo," he grumbled and pushed you back, stopping you from getting him out of bed.
"Come on you big baby," you laughed and eventually he got out of your neck crook before he leaned over, hovering over you.
He looked you in the eyes before whispering, "I don't care about morning breath," and pecking your lips suddenly before jumping out of the bed.
You laughed as he got out and got ready for work and you watched him happily.
"Quit staring you perv," he teased and you smiled.
"Hey, what can I say, you're handsome!"
He laughed and shook his head. "Right I'm going baby," he said, blowing you a kiss from the other side of the room.
You pretended to catch it and hold it close to your heart, and you waved goodbye, noticing him grab his gym bag as he went.
You frowned for a second as he only ever used that when he had dance practice.
You only thought about it for a moment before you shrugged it off and fell back asleep.
When you finally were up and showered and everything, it was 1.30pm, quite late for you.
You opened the fridge and saw some of the leftovers you had saved for another day in a tub, and you thought for a moment before deciding to take them to Yoongi and PDogg for their lunch.
This would also be a good way of meeting PDogg, and making a good impression
You got ready to go before realising you had no idea where PDoggs house was and whether it was near a train station, so you tried calling Yoongi.
It rang a couple of times but ended up going to voicemail. You scoffed and laughed knowing he probably had his headphones on, so you checked his find my friends location.
When you saw he was at the BigHit building you frowned. PDogg's studio wasn't at the BigHit building. "Hmm," You hummed and thought.
You realised his schedule probably had changed, which explained why he grabbed his gym bag before leaving so you nodded and made your way to BigHit on the train.
You felt the nostalgia of getting the train as you walked out of the main train station in the city.
You smiled as you headed to BigHit, the cold not bothering you as you felt the warmth of familiarity on this walk.
When you got to the BigHit floor, you walked past Yoongi studio, popping your head through the door and seeing that the lights were off as you had expected.
He was probably at dance practice.
You walked through the hallway, smiling at the familiar faces of people who worked there and you even saw Hoseok.
"(Y/N)?" He asked, confused. "You don't work on Saturdays?"
You smiled, "nice to see you too!"
He chuckled, "sorry. How are you?"
"I'm good! Just come in to bring Yoongi some lunch, do you guys have dance practice today?"
He frowned, "No, why?"
You frowned, now you were really confused. "Oh...well he's in this building. But he said he was going to PDogg's..."
You rubbed your temples and whined, "this boy is so hard to track down!" You joked. "Anyway I'm going to check in the practice room, just in case, because he isn't in the studio."
Hoseok nodded and looked like he was deep in thought, "see you later Hoseok." You said with a smile and headed down the long corridor, walking past all the conference rooms to get to the practice room that was at the end.
You were a couple of doors down from it when you heard Hoseok call, "(Y/N), wait don't go in!"
You turned and laughed, "why not?" You said, but kept walking, reaching the door and putting your head at the window of the practice room, mirrors lining the bright room that had its lights on.
But when your eyes landed on the people in the room, everything stopped.
The world stopped spinning and your heart stopped beating and your blood stopped pumping.

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