part 5

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When I got back to my office I tried hard to focus but all my mind could do was think about Lina. You really hated that she worked close with all the boys because they got to know her better than they knew me
You shook your head and instead tried to think about how excited you were to go out tonight and party a little
The time ticked by slowly but when it finally got to 5pm, Yoongi came into your office with a smile on his face
You smiled back as he said, "ready to go?"
"Yup!" You said, grabbing your bag and going to him, giving him a hug.
"Love, I stink, I'm sorry," he said, sounding embarrassed.
You laughed against him, "it's alright babe, just get a shower when you get home."
"Come on then," he said and you turned the light off, leaving the room, locking it behind you.
When you got home, you made ramen for the both of you while Yoongi was in the shower, so that when he came out in his dressing gown with his adorable wet hair, he sat at the table with a wide smile.
"It's like you read my mind," he said as you tucked into your bowl.
You both were laughing with noodles half hanging onto your chin but your eyes widened as you felt one creep down the back of your throat. You bit the noodles, swallowing the ones in your mouth and coughed, trying to get rid of the feeling of a dislodged noodle.
Yoongi looked concerned and swallowed his before saying, "(Y/N), drink some water," and got a glass for you.
You gulped it down and then breathed heavily, catching your breath. "You can't make me laugh when we're eating ramen," you told him.
He laughed again and so did you, "okayyyy," he elongated it, whining.
When you were done, you went into the bathroom to do your makeup and hair, preparing for tonight's antics. You covered your rosy cheeks only to apply fake blush on top of your foundation. You outlined your eyes, exaggerating their size and making them look cattish before you styled you hair in a half-up half-down look that was the best of both worlds because your hair wouldn't be in your face, but it would still be down.
You then shuffled yourself into a shirt dress and put on knee-high boots, finishing off your casual yet party outfit.
You came out of the bathroom and you heard a humming noise.
You turned towards Yoongi and raised your eyebrows in question. "You look..." he started.
You walked over to him and put your hand over his mouth, "don't," you said, feeling shy.
He smirked as he looked over your face. He put his hand behind your back and pulled you in closer to him, so you could feel his breath on your skin. Now you were rendered speechless.
He put his lips on yours passionately, moving them together flawlessly. Then he stopped and they lingered, his lips only just touching yours.
He smiled and you felt it as your eyes fluttered open. His eyes were closed but he wore a smirk.
You leaned back, putting space between you. "What?"
"We haven't even gotten to the club yet but we're already all over each other.
You smirked too as you realised what he meant.
An hour later and you arrived at the club with Yoongi, going through the back entrance to avoid any unwanted attention. When you arrived, you spotted the boys at the bar, all talking amongst themselves. Even Namjoon was there, despite saying he wasn't going earlier.
You both walked over to them and they cheered when they spotted you two. "Hey guys!!" You exclaimed and you all started hugging, even though you had seen each other a few hours ago.
They all looked very different, however, than when you last saw them as they had scrubbed up well, each of them with their own individual style.
"You look great!" Taehyung told you, yelling over the music, but he was still only just audible.
"You do too!" You yelled back.
"How come you came?" You asked Namjoon when you hugged him.
He smiled for a second before saying, "I get major FOMO."
You laughed hard and then smiled, patting him on the back.
"How about shots on me! My treat!!" Hoseok yelled over the music and everyone cheered as Hoseok ordered them for you all.
You were about to grab the shot in front of you when Yoongi held your wrist. You looked him in the eyes, "You don't have to," he told you, clearly very concerned.
You smiled, "It's okay, I want to!"
He held eyes contact for a lingering moment, wanting to make sure, but you insisted and when everyone had their shot glasses, Hoseok yelled, "3, 2, 1!"
There was silence as everyone focused on getting down their own small vestibule of liquid courage, making bitter faces after they'd swallowed it. Yoongi, of course, didn't flinch. Your favourite reaction was Jungkook's, who really didn't seem to handle spirits well.
"Let's go DANCE!" Jimin yelled and Namjoon, Yoongi and Taehyung sat down on bar stools, indicating they did not intend on dancing.
"Babe, can I go dance?" You asked Yoongi, your mouth right next to his ear.
He smiled and nodded, "YAY!" You yelled and ran over, joining Jimin, Jin, Jungkook and Hobi on the dance floor.
The song was upbeat and fast so you all started dancing according to it. You pulled out some of your dance moves from earlier and you could hear Hobi and Jimin's laughter above the music and you could see Jin and Jungkook laughing when the moving lights beamed across their faces.
Something you loved about these boys was despite them all being professional dancers who have literally performed in from of worldwide audiences, they still manage to dance like normal people, never letting you feel left out.
They danced like idiots, at one point Jimin and Jungkook even started twerking next to each other, having a twerk off.
You, Jin and Hobi fell into fits of giggles at this sight, loving how free the boys looked.
Once you had worked up a sweat, Jin suggested going for another drink, so you all went back to the bar.
Before you got there though, you yelled over the music, "When we're down, let's get the rest of them on the dance floor!" They all nodded and you put your hand in, everyone putting their hands on top of yours before lifting them, making a pact.
You got back to the bar and Yoongi smiled at you, tapping his lap to let you perch. You happily perched on him as he whispered in your ear, "Having fun?"
You turned and looked with a smile, nodding intensely, making him smile back at you, showing off his teeth and gums.
Your attention was turned back to Jimin who yelled "SHOTS!" and everyone laughed.
Within minutes shots were placed in front of all of you on the bar and you grabbed yours, downing it quickly.
You felt Yoongi's hand on your knee as he said, "Baby, slow down."
You turned around to him and frowned, "Who you calling baby, baby?"
He chuckled, "Just don't go too over the top." You frowned again and thought for a second before turning to the bar, grabbing his shot that he hadn't had yet and downed it.
You swallowed and looked over towards him, wiping your mouth on the back of your hand.
His mouth was agape in a 'o' shape, but his eyes showed amusement at your actions.
"Let's go DANCE!" You yelled, hopping off his lap and holding your hands out to him.
He shook his head and said, "No, I'm okay here."
You pouted, "PLEASE," you begged, holding your hands in a prayer. You were drawing the attention of the other guys as they laughed.
Yoongi couldn't help but laugh too and said, "Only for a bit," getting off of his bar stool. "YAYYY!!!!" You screamed, jumping up and down, grabbing his arm.
He put it round you and your walked, with him wrapped behind you, over to the dance floor.
When you got onto it, you turned to face him, putting his arms on your waist. The lights crossed his face occasionally and you could see him smirking as he watched you move your body to the music.
You smiled too, and in that moment, as the alcohol pulsed its way around your bloodstream, all you wanted to do was kiss him. So you did.
You kissed him with all your might, passionately and lustfully. After a short while, you heard the boys making noise behind you, so you pulled away from Yoongi and he rested his forehead on yours, both of you still with your eyes closed.
"Who knew Yoongi-hyung could be so affectionate," Jin teased, nudging him.
He rolled his eyes, looking annoyed at his friend for interrupting.
You smiled, your eyesight now a lot blurrier than before you kissed him. You turned around and saw the boys, taking them all in. You then noticed Namjoon and Taehyung were finally on the dance floor so you cheered, gesturing them both and they couldn't hide the smiles from their faces when you started doing your infamous dance moves.
A song you all knew came on so you all dances around together, completely in the moment and not overthinking anything. Pure bliss.
You were even sloppier now that you felt the intoxication of your mind, so your moves were floppier and at one point you almost fell over.
Everyone went to catch you but you stood up straight, your hands up yelling, "IM FINE!"
Yoongi came over to you and put his hands on your shoulders, "Do you want to go home?"
You tried to focus on his eyes but found it very hard to. When you did, you could see the concern he had for you in them.
You patted his face and smiled, "Nooooo," you whined.
"But I do want to go to the toilet," you said and looked around for it.
"Let me come with you," he said and you frowned over exaggeratedly.
"YOU PERVERT!" You yelled and he glanced around, in the hopes no one had heard him.
You patted his face, "I'll be back in a minute."
You stumbled over to the toilets and managed to get yourself to pee without getting it everywhere, although you were talking to yourself in the loos, your mind running constantly.
When you were done, you stumbled out of the toilets and made your way to Yoongi. You put your hand on his shoulder, but when he turned, you realised, it wasn't Yoongi, it was actually a random guy.
You stepped back and tried to find Yoongi in the crowds of people but when you tried to walk to find him, the guy you had mistook for Yoongi put his hands on your waist and pulled into him, far closer than you were comfortable with.
You frowned and put your hands on his chest, trying to push him away, but he just smirk and moved his hands down, grabbing your butt.
You shrieked and pushed more vigorously, your heart beating faster and feeling panicky, but also lost.
You punched his chest and thought he would never let you go until you heard someone yell, "HEY! Get the FUCK OFF!"
Everything happened in slow motion but also all at once as Yoongi pushed the guy, knocking him into another person. The guy frowned harshly, squaring up, preparing to throw hands.
Yoongi put his hand on your shoulder and ushered you away, getting away from the guy as soon as possible. He took you over to the bar where it was quieter and there were less people.
He sat you down on a stool and you stared aimlessly. He crouched down to be in your view and asked you, "Are you okay?" You shrugged, not answering his question.
He ran a hand through his hair and you watched him. Suddenly, you started giggling, covering your mouth with your hand.
"What's the matter?" He asked, concerned. You held his eye contact, an amused smile on your face.
"What about me?" He asked, confusion replacing concern. You just laughed in response. "(Y/N), use your words."
You looked at him again and ushered him to come closer. He came closer and you whispered in his ear, "You're pretty," then you leant back, giggling again.
He smiled, surprised. "What?"
You leaned in again, "You're so handsome, I always thought you were handsome."
He laughed covering his face with his hands. "No, don't cover your face, I need to see it," you told him, pulling his hands away from it ad holding them in yours. He stared at you, a wide smile on his face.
The rest of the boys then came into your vision. You gasped dramatically, "OH MY GOD! IT'S BTS!" You yelled and Yoongi shushed you, looking around to see if anyone had heard.
The rest of the boys laughed, "(Y/N), have you had a bit too much to drink?" Jimin asked you playfully.
You frowned but nodded, making them laugh again. "It's his fault!" You say, pointing at Yoongi, who was stood in front of you, his hands still intertwined with yours.
"What?!" He asked, feeling attacked.
"He's so handsome," you told the boys, then giggling, putting one of your hands over your mouth.
They chuckled slightly, looking at Yoongi and then you. "What did you say?" Jungkook asked.
"Yoongi-oppa is so attractive!" You called out, not looking anyone in the eyes.
"Aww," Jin exclaimed.
Yoongi rolled his eyes, "let's get you home then."
He came towards you and put his arms under yours, trying to lift you to your feet.
You told the guys over his shoulder, "I told you! He's like my Prince Charming!" You told them and everyone laughed.
"I think we're going to call it a night," Yoongi told them.
"Goodnight guys, get home safe," he told them.
"Bye bye boys! You're all my friends now!" You slurred. They all chuckled.
"Sleep well!" Jimin called as you left the club, leaning on Yoongi for support that you desperately needed.
In the taxi, you rested your head on Yoongi's shoulder, your eyes closed. The silence of the taxi acting as a strong contrast to the noise of the club you were just in.
"(Y/N), are you awake?" He whispered. You just hummed to let him know you were.
After a minute or so, you sat up, looking around you, feeling very disoriented. "Where am I? Where are the guys?"
Yoongi chuckled beside you, "They're back at the club. We're going home."
"What? Why? I want to dance?" You asked, so lost.
He chuckled again, "You got a little too drunk," he told you, patiently.
"Oh," you said and turned to him. "I'm sowwwy," you said in a baby voice.
He looked away with a smile and said, "It's fine." You lent back on him again before he said.You poked his face with your finger. "You're so pretty Yoongi," you said in your continued baby voice.
He grabbed your finger, "Hey stop!"
You chuckled, doing it again and saying, "So handsome! I'm so lucky!"
He grabbed your waist and started tickling you saying, "Stop teasing me!"
You begged, "No no no please! I was just saying the truth!!!" You complained and he stopped.
You both laughed and you leant your head on his shoulder again.
"Just go to sleep okay, we've still got a little way to go," he whispered, playing with your hair as you shut your eyes, drifting off into a drunken bliss.

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