part 2

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We made our way back to Yoongi's place after our delicious gateau.
"Why is the taxi taking so long?" Yoongi complains, looking up and down the street for any sign of our taxi. The night was dark but the street was lit by the lights of the stores and restaurants along it.
"How about we just walk?" You suggest and he looked at you like you were crazy. "It's like 20 minutes away!"
You smiled, "that's okay! Plus, if we spot a taxi on the way back, we can haul it."
He thought for a second, before saying, "alright then, but take this," he said, taking his jacket off and put it over you.
You chuckled, "Yoongi it's not cold," you laughed.
"I know, I put it on you cause I'm too hot and I can't be bothered to carry it," he confessed and you burst into laughter as he smiled proudly for making you laugh.
As you walked you felt him nudge your side as he offered his arm. You smirked and took it happily, grasping onto it as if you would fall.
You both smiled contently as you strolled home. "Have you had a nice night?" He asked in a whisper.
"No, worst night ever," you joked and he pulled away.
"Hey!" He exclaimed as you tried to go back to cuddling him.
"I'm joking baby I'm joking," you pleaded, trying to grab his hand again.
He happily took your hand but didn't look in your direction.
You laughed and pulled his hand up so you could leave a kiss on it.
You pecked it but he didn't respond so you left continuous kisses. You must have kissed him about twenty times before he pulled his hand to yours groaning, "(Y/Nnnnn)" elongating your name.
You both laughed and walked happily, swinging your hands behind you and in front of you, like kids.
You decided not to get a taxi, you were happy in each other's company as you talked in hushed tones about old memories.
When you arrived at Yoongi's place, the first place Yoongi pulled you to was the living room. "What are you doing?" You asked, as he sat you down on his lap.
He smiled at you and said, "I want to have our first cuddle as an official couple."
You couldn't help but squeal and hug him as you sat on his lap sideways. You put your head in the crook of his neck and made a squealing noise, saying, "Yoongs why are you so cute!"He chuckled, "I'm not cute." You sat back and raised an eyebrow at him.
He sighed in defeat, "most of the time."
You smiled again and rested your head in his neck, the space being the perfect size for your head.
You rested there for a moment as you took it in. This was what you had wanted for so long, all you wanted was to relish in it.
He rested his hands on you, one on your waist and one on your back, tracing circles.
You stayed like that for a moment before you leaned back, looking at him again, with a slight pout.
"What is it?" He asked.
"I missed looking at you," you said in a pouty voice and his face contorted as he covered it with his hand.
"You can't just say stuff like that and expect me not to break under your cuteness," he complained.
You laughed and pulled his hands away from his face, and he still had his eyes closed so you waited til he opened them.
When he finally did, you smiled. "There's my boy," you whispered.
He smiled then and you leaned forwards, bringing your face closer to his.
He didn't move his though, he waited for you to bring yours to him and when you put your lips on his lightly, you felt him smirk.
You smiled too as your lips brushed, not quite in a kiss yet. But he couldn't deal with the waiting, so his hands travelled to your neck as he pulled you in, kissing you strongly and passionately.
He kissed you seductively and softly, while also being lustful and passionately.
Your eyebrows raised involuntarily as he deepened the kiss, his tongue outlining your lips gently as his hand held your jaw now, flush against his.
You already felt too hot in Yoongi's coat, so you pulled it off your body, never breaking contact with him.
He seemed to notice as your newly exposed skin was free for him to kiss, which is exactly what he did, leaving soft, open kisses all over your neck and collarbone area.
You tried to hold back a moan when he found your sweet spot but he already could tell as he lingered there, kissing it more passionately and sucking the skin.
You let out a breathy sound and he smiled, satisfied as he went back to your lips.
This time, you tried to drive the kiss, your hands on his face and you moving your lips on his.
Yoongi held your hips as you turned to straddle him, deepening the kiss so it got faster.
Yoongi couldn't help but groan when one of your hands went into his hair, lightly tugging on a tuft at the back.
When he made this sound, shortly after he lifted you and laid you down on the sofa, so you were facing the ceiling.
He came down above you and reconnected your lips as his hands found yours and he held your hands above your head, kissing you strongly as he laid between your legs.
His kisses got more passionate, which you didn't even think was possible until he did it and it felt amazing.
However, you were losing your breath quickly and you didn't know how much longer you could hold it for before needing a break.
So you put your palms on his broad chest and lightly pushed him back.
He got off you quickly and you kept your eyes shut, trying to catch your breath. "Sorry. I just, need a, breather," you said in between breaths.
He rested his forehead on yours and whispered, "it's okay."
When you were ready again, you pulled him back to you, kissing him hungrily and fiddling with the hem of his shirt.
When he took a second to kiss your neck, you went to pull it off of him, which he didn't oppose. In fact, it made him kiss you harder and more lustfully.
You loved making out with him so much, you felt like you would never get bored.
As your mind was 100% on him, you weren't thinking about your actions too much, like you usually did, so you stroked his chest and ran your hands down his tummy as you fiddled with his belt buckle, trying to find out how to undo it.
But he pulled away. Stopping the kissing as he put his forehead on yours again.
You were both quiet for a moment before he whispered again, "that's probably enough for tonight."
Your eyes flashed open as he got off you and sat up, his body not in contact with yours at all. You followed him, sitting up with him, eyebrows furrowed.
"Wait, what?" You asked, almost despairingly.
Yoongi didn't make eye contact, just stared in the direction of the TV as he whispered, "shall we go to sleep?"
"But..." you trailed off and he turned his head to look at you. "Sorry...did I do something wrong?" You asked quietly.
He turned his whole body, as his eyes widened, "No! Baby not at all!" He said as his arms reached out for you.
He pulled you to sit beside him now, cuddled into his side as you put your arms around his waist.
He whispered down towards you, "I just think we should...take it slow. I don't want to..rush into anything..."
You looked up at him from where you were sat and begrudgingly whispered, "that's probably a good idea." But you couldn't hide the pout from your face.
You felt Yoongi chuckle beside you as he reached over you and whispered, "baby, I want to, trust me I do. I just...think we've got time. No need to rush y'know." He then placed a delicate kiss on your head.
You sighed and nodded, cuddling into his side. "You're right," you replied to him and nuzzled your face into his bare chest. "But I still get to cuddle you all I want," you rationalised and your felt your laugh from his chest louder than you could hear it with your ears. "That's allowed," he said and laughed again.
You let out a yawn, with your eyes shut. "C'mon (Y/N), you've got a big day tomorrow, let's get to bed," he explained as he pulled your cuddly fragile body into his and walked with you leaving the newly removed clothes in the living room to be found as relics tomorrow morning.
You got ready for bed and jumped into it, waiting for Yoongi to join you.
And when he finally came into bed, you pulled him close, never wanting to let this precious boy go.

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