part 6

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When you woke up, you immediately felt a rush of pain in your head and when you sat up, you winced, the pain rushing through your head.
You groaned and then heard a chuckle from beside you. You turned to see Yoongi, fully dressed and ready for the day, lying on top of the bed, not under the covers.
"How's your head feeling?" He asked.
You looked at him with narrow eyes and groaned again, not quite conjuring words.
He chuckled again as you moved your head, laying it in his lap. "Make it go awayyy," you whined and he started to stroke your hair.
He leaned down and whispered, "do you want some water?"
You just whimpered, and he chuckled, stroking your hair. "I'll get you some water and pills for your headache, okay?"
He didn't wait for your reply as he put a pillow under your head, replacing his legs as a place to rest.
He placed a gentle kiss atop your head and left the room, leaving your headache feeling a little lighter with his love.
You found yourself drifting off so when you woke up hours later, you were really disoriented.
You looked around and spotted a note on your bedside table. Beside it was a glass of water and two small, white pills.
You picked up the piece of paper, squinting to read it.
It read: Good morning my darling you hot mess.
I'm pretty sure you must be feeling rather appalling after last night so down that water like you downed those shots and take the pills beside it. I've had to go into the office so you can use today to recover. See you when I get home, Lots of love, from, AgustD aka the best boyfriend ever.
You rolled your eyes and chuckled at the hilariously arrogant message Yoongi had left you.
You did as the note said, swallowing the pills and gulping down the water.
You had no idea why Yoongi was in the office today, but you were actually grateful when you realised you could smell your sweat on your body from last night.
You trudged through the shower and spent the day sat watching TV in a blanket, still recovering from the night previous, the TV's volume significantly lower than it usually was to save your pounding head from any pain.
When Yoongi got home in the afternoon, he called out, "(Y/N)?"
"Yoongi?" You called back, letting him know where you were.
You heard him walk through the apartment, and you watched the door as he came through.
As soon as he saw you, his face contorted into an uwu.
"Aww my (Y/N) is still in recovery," he cooed, coming over and standing in front of you.
You looked up at him, stood in front of you and put your arms up, making grabby hands like a baby. "Hug me," you uttered.
He put his hands on his cheeks, smiling as he said, "oh how can I resist my baby."
He got down onto his knees and hugged my body right through the blanket, every so often placing kisses on my neck.
After a couple of minutes, he leaned back, taking his view of you in. He stroked your hair away from your face, whispering, "how are you feeling?"
You smiled lightly, his dark brown, almost black eyes were twinkling in the light from the lamp beside you. "A lot better now."
He smiled, "Shall I make some dinner?"
You nodded and he left a kiss on your head. "How was work? What did they need you for?"
He looked at the ground now, "Oh I just needed to go in to finish a couple of incomplete things."
"Oh right. Anything interesting?"
He shook his head, "Not really." After a pause he said, "Pasta?"
An hour and a half later, you were both washing the dishes after eating a tomato pasta bake dish. You had music playing in the background but you chatted over it, you telling Yoongi a funny story from when you were at school.
"Oh that reminds me actually, have I mentioned my old friend Sydney asked me to go out for a coffee with her next week?" You asked.
"No you didn't, who's she?" He asked.
"She used to be one of my best friends in high school but she moved away for university. Well she's back in town now for work and she asked to go for coffee next Sunday," you said in a pleasant tone.
You were excited to go and meet up with her as you didn't really have any female friends close to you in your life.
"Aww that's so nice," he said, and the conversation carried.
Later, you were watching an episode of friends, both on your phones, you with your feet on his lap as you lay sideways.
"Hey, have you checked your emails today?" Yoongi asked you.
You frowned, "no, it's the weekend. Why is there something important?"
"There's a company party next Saturday! It's going to be like a big thing, like a ball type thing," he said, reading details off of his phone.
"Ooh," you say excitedly, opening your emails app. "I love the idea of a ball!"
He chuckled, "you're so cute!"
"Shall we dress up in matching dress and tie?" You ask, your smile manically wide.
He closed his eyes, putting his hand on his forehead, "oh god."
You giggled, "I'll take that as a yes," you said and you spent the rest of the evening going through asos, bookmarking dresses you think you would want to wear to the ball and showing Yoongi, who pretended to be as excited as you were.
Your excitement only lasted a couple of days however, as on Monday afternoon, at 3.30 pm, you found yourself in Bang Si-Hyuk's office.
Your hand shook as it hovered over the door knob, as nervous as you ever were when you got called into the CEO's office.
You counted down from 3 and when you got to one, just opened the door, like ripping a plaster off.
When you opened the door however, you were surprised to see Yoongi sat in one of the two chairs on the other side of his desk.
"Yoongi?" You asked.
He smiled towards you but there was something off about it.
"Ah, (Y/N)," your boss says. "Please take a seat."
You shut the door behind you and sit down in the chair beside Yoongi.
After a small moment of silence, you inhaled deeply and asked, "is everything okay Sir?"
He also took a deep breath, "Ah, well you see (Y/N), it's about the ball on Saturday."
You nodded to show you understood.
"So, I don't know if you knew this, but I am aware of your relationship with our very own Min Yoongi here," he said, your breath catching in your throat.
You nodded again and he continued, "Now I don't want to overstep the mark and dictate aspects of your relationship because that isn't the type of manager I want to be. But, I am concerned about rumours that may emerge as a result of any pda at the ball, as there will be plenty of press present.
"So I propose that, just for the night, you don't engage with each other, don't act close, just so that no rumours start to come out. I would have for that to ruin what you both have."
He had ended his thought and paused as he waited for yours. Both Bang Si-Hyuk and Yoongi were watching you, waiting for you to say something.
"I mean..." you began, "it's a smart idea. And it's only for the night, so there's no harm."
Your boss nodded, "I agree."
You looked at Yoongi, "what do you think?" You asked him.
He sighed, "Obviously it's a bit disappointing because I wanted to spend the night with you but it's a work thing so I suppose we need to be careful."
You nodded. "Alright then, so it's decided."
After thanking your boss and exchanging pleasantries, you walked out of the office, Yoongi following behind you and shutting the door.
"I need to get back, I'm really busy," you say to him, pouting slightly.
But he took you by surprise, pulling you in for a hug. "What's this for?" You whispered, chuckling lightly.
"I'm sorry."
"For what?" You asked, pushing him away lightly, so you could see him.
"My job. It kind of sucks," he grumbled.
"Hey, we wouldn't have met if you didn't have this job! And anyway, it's one night. We can manage that, right?"
"But it's not just one night," he said, apology laced in his tone. This clearly really did upset him. "This is what it will be like for the rest of my life. Our lives."
You put your hand on his cheek, pulling his face downward to look you in the eyes.
You smiled and said, "I love you. These are the small sacrifices we'll have to make. It's manageable, okay." You kissed his nose gently, then his cheek and then said, "Now I really do need to get back."
As you walked away he pulled your arm, turning you back around. He kissed you more passionately than you could've expected and said, "you're amazing."
You tried to hide the blush when you got up to your office but you were smiling for at least half an hour afterwards.

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