part 19

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You looked between Yoongi and the legal advisor, your eyes begging them to have an answer, begging them to know what to do, but you could see the fear in both

Yoongi saw the tears in your eyes and his showed ones of concerned before he looked at his boss and said "What do we do?" His voice deep and angry.

"Jun-hyung," he said, addressing his assistant. "Call the police."

He stood up and walked over to his desk facing away from you all.

You looked between them all before covering your face with your hands, to hide the devastation. You tried to choke your sobs as much as you could as the room was quiet, the only sound Jun-hyung on the phone to the non-emergency police.

"It's going to be alright (Y/N)," Yoongi said, stroking your back to try and reassure you. But you heard the waver in his voice, he couldn't guarantee anything.

But you couldn't bring your head out of your hands. "We're going to fix this," Namjoon said beside you.

Jun-hyung took his phone away from his ear and said, "they're on their way sir."

Yoongi comforted you in a reserved way as you were in front of your boss, and while you appreciated it, it also didn't do much to help your anxiety

When the police officers arrived, you had finally stopped crying but were still emotional. It all went by in a blur but in the next hour and a half, they decided they would try and track Tai's IP address.

"Okay (Y/N), if it's alright, I need you to send texts to Tai to make sure he's active, do you think you can do that."

You swallowed the lump in your throat and nodded, "I can try."

"Okay great, if you could just reply something, anything that would elicit a response, perhaps a question."

"Okay, I'll ask him why he's doing this maybe?" You asked and the kind police officer nodded.

You typed the message and your shaky thumb hovered over the send button for a moment, but you counted to three in your head and just pressed it.

"It's sent," you said and exhaled. Putting the phone down on the coffee table and leaning away from it.

"Great, we'll start tracking when we get a reply. Can we take your phone for a bit? I'm guessing you don't want to see the reply."

You nodded and he smiled at you and nodded, taking the phone over to the other officer and Bang Si-Hyuk as well as the legal advisor, who were setting up the tracking machine and discussing consequences for Tai.

You shut your eyes and leaned back in your chair. "What a day," you said and chuckled sarcastically.

"I'm so sorry this happened," Yoongi said.

You shook your head, "it's not your fault, Tai's just messed up."

He nodded, and the room went quiet before one of the officers said, "okay, we've got his location. We're dispatching some nearby officers now. You don't need to worry, this is all going to be over soon."

You exhaled in relief, your soul behind filled with a small amount of hope.

"Thank you so much," you said with your first real smile of the day.

"While we wait, do you mind if we ask you some questions about the situation for the report?" The more stern officer asked.

They asked an endless list of questions, many similar to the legal advisor's but some new ones, to which the legal advisor also took note of your reply.

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