"Ah, Liam, go home you're not coming with us." Stiles said walking over to us. We were standing in the kitchen by the table.

"Why not?" Liam asked as Stiles walked past us.

"Cause it's a full moon and I don't feel like driving to all the way down to Mexico just to have you rip my throat out." Stiles explained. He had a point.

"You can lock me up, chain me to the back seat or something." Liam said.

"You tore through the last chains, remember?" Malia said.

"Yeah we would have to freeze you in carbonate to get you down there." Stiles said.

"Ok, then were do we get carbonate?" Liam asked.

(For those of you who don't know what that means, Carbonate is the stuff that they used to freeze Han Solo in Star Wars, and if you haven't seen Star Wars, you and Stiles probably won't get along)

"Seriously. You haven't seen it either?" Stiles asked. He turned around and headed for the door.

"Wait." Liam said walking in front of them. "What is we put me in the trunk?" Liam asked.

"You'd get out of that, too." I said.

"Liam." Stiles started. "You've been a werewolf all of 5 minutes. You don't have to do this." Stiles said.

"I know I don't but I want to." He said. Me and Malia were looking at Stiles trying to get him to let Liam come.

"There's got to be bigger chains, a bigger trunk, or something. I mean there has to be." Liam said. I started thinking. There is.

"Maybe there is." Stiles said as if he read my mind.

We called Braeden, since she was a U.S Marshal, she had a van. A big van.

We met at a abandon building. We waited and she finally pulled up. So did Peter and Derek. Great. I have to come face to face with my family.

"How did you get a prison transport van?" Stiles asked.

"I'm a U.S. Marshal." She said.

"Yeah, I just though that was just a cover." Stiles said.

"We're really bringing him?" Derek said, pointing at Liam.

"We're really bringing him?" Stiles mimicked Derek, pointing at Peter.

I revealed myself, getting out of the jeep.

"Alyssa. Go home. You aren't coming." Derek said.

"No." I snapped.

"What?" He asked.

"You can't tell me what to do." I snapped again.

He scoffed. "Um, if you haven't noticed, I'm your brother." He said.

"No your not." I said.

Derek was about to speak until Peter interrupted. "We are bringing anyone we can. And considering Scott and Kira were taking the night before a full moon, I think we should probably get going." Peter said. He just saved everyone from hearing me yell.

"What's that mean?" Malia asked.

"If take took Scott back to the same temple she took Derek, how do we know she isn't planning to do the same thing to him?" Peter said.

"She wants to make him younger?" Liam asked.

"Or take him back to when he wasn't a werewolf." Derek said. I glared at him.

"A werewolf can't steal a true alphas power, but maybe, a ore jaguar with the power with Scott La Poka behind her, maybe she can." Peter explained.

"So, if everyone is officially freaked out, I saw we get going." Peter said gesturing towards the vehicles.

"We can't." I said. They all looked at me.

"Not without Lydia." Stiles finished for me.

Stiles walked over and dialed Lydia's number.

"What's she doing at the school anyway?" Derek asked.

"We got Kira's sword." Malia said.

"But we need something with a stronger scent. Lydia went to get a jacket out of her locker." I said harshly.

Derek grabbed my bicep, which is very small, and pulled me behind the Prison Transport Van.

"What the hell is your problem?" Derek whisper/yelled.

"You know exactly what." I said through. Gritted teeth.

"Oh, your still mad at me because of that fight we had." He said.

"That is not it. I was actually going to come an talk to you but I over heard you talking to Braeden on how you were going to tell me I was adopted!!!" I yelled. I did something that I didn't think over. I slapped him.

"I hate you." I said through gritted teeth. I whipped my tears away and walked back over to Liam. Everyone was looking at me, I guess they heard me and Derek's conversation. I didn't care.

Stiles walked over to us from trying to call Lydia.

"Nothing." He said.

"She has a car, she can catch up to us." Braeden said.

"That's a good point. We'll call from the road." Peter said. Wow. He really wants to find Scott. Hmmm. What he up to?

"No. What if something happens? What if she's in trouble?" He said.

"Fine. You stay here. You find her. We're going to leave without you." Peter said walking away.

"I could call Mason. He has a study group at school, he could look for her." Liam suggested.

"Alright. Fine." We went to get into the vehicles but Peter stopped us.

"Remember what we are dealing with here. It's not just Kate. It's Berserkers. You might see human eyes behind those skulls, but don't assume there is any humanity left." Peter lectured us.

He saw that Li was afraid. "Aw. This little one is terrified of them, aren't you?" Peter asked. Everyone looked at Liam. I got I front of him. "Leave him out of it." I said through gritted teeth.

"Don't worry my friend, it is that fear that will keep you alive. A reminder to everyone, you do not fight berserkers to survive, you fight to kill." Peter said. We got into the vehicles.

Liam called Mason.

"Yeah definitely. Call me as soon as you find her." Liam then hung up. We headed to Mexico.

Protect ➳ Liam Dunbar {1} ✔️जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें