Hey readers

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First of all I want to say how truly overwhelmed I am by the support received on this story. It really means so so so much to me. I feel like my dreams are coming true. I'm still in shock and I'm so thankful for all of your votes and comments.

I'm going to be honest because it's best to be that way when it comes to moving forwards. Dylan and I broke up...many months ago. Believe me I didn't want it to happen and I still love him a lot. He will not talk to me and I am struggling without him. I love writing for you guys and I love to talk to you all too. I want to carry on writing because I feel it helps me and distracts me but the story is about him and I so I just don't know what to do.

I'm currently in hospital and have been in and out this year so my internet usage is limited.

I get tones of messages saying you all want updates and I'm not sure who is still following this story but if you are please let me know. Leave a like and if I get over 20 I'll update. I hate to do that but I don't want to have to write and go through all the emotions if I'm not making people happy.

On a more serious note if you are struggling to cope with life you can message me and I'll try to help you.

This message isn't very structured and I apologized for that. I haven't been sleeping..it's late and I'm doing everything I can to distract myself from the heartbreak. Also comment your stories so I can read them and distract myself because I really do need distracting.

Thank you all again so so much

-lots of love
Ally xx

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Nov 02, 2014 ⏰

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