The Party - Chapter 12

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Ally's Perspective:

The music was loud and my whole body was vibrating, even before entering the club. I spotted Dylan walking towards me, smiling like always. He handed me my clothes and walked in front of me, almost acting as a body guard pushing through the crowds of people lining the outside of the club. Pushing the huge door open, the music seemed to blast out much louder. I rushed into the bathroom putting on the dress Dylan brought for me.

Quickly realizing it was pretty revealing. I adjusted it and shook my head looking in the mirror. 'Oh gosh, it really does show a lot,' I said to myself, looking at my cleavage and biting my lip. After fixing my hair and putting my shoes on, I walked out to find Dylan. I found him quickly and he looked shocked as our eyes met. His shock turned to joy and he smiled,

"You look incredibly stunning," he said, gleaming and reaching for my hand. I scanned the crowded dark room searching familiar faces but found none. 'Wow,' I thought, taking in my surroundings. Dylan pulled me through the crowds looking for a place for us to stand. Cups were littered all over the ground and spilled drinks were everywhere.

There were a lot of revealing outfits on most of the girls. After pushing through a few couples, who were grinding to the strange music that was now playing, we reached a virtually empty corner."Finally!" Dylan called, sitting down on one of the chairs. I just smiled, knowing he wouldn't be able to hear my reply.

"Are you thirsty?" He asked a little while later. He could probably see how uncomfortable I was. I nodded my head 'yes.'

After a moment of thinking, he stood up and said "Stay here." Once again I nodded and soon his broad shoulders disappeared into the crowds. I started fiddling with the fabric on my dress when I felt a tap on my shoulder.

Smiling figuring it would be Dylan back, "That was fast!" I shouted over the music. But as I looked up I made eye contact with the last person I wanted to see.

"Ally!" He called, sounded excited whilst almost tripping over his feet.

He was clearly very drunk. "Go away Alex!" I shouted.

"No way," he said staggering forwards, standing very close to me and pulling me up from my chair. As I tried to wriggle free, his grip strengthened on my shoulders and he pushed me against the wall.

"Get off!" I screamed.

"No!" He hissed violently, his breath heavy with the smell of alcohol.

"Listen!" He said much too close to my face.

"I still love you," he sighed, sounding much too drunk to convince me and with that he stepped forward. He delivered a sloppy kiss along my cheek.

"Stop!" I demanded before he met my lips. I tried to push him off but he was much stronger drunk. As he got closer to my lips, he started running his hands down my thighs.

"Get the fuck off her!" A loud voice boomed. 'My hero,' I thought as everybody turned to face Dylan towering over Alex's drunken body.

Dylan's Perspective:

I was trying to make my way through the sea of people, dancing and grinding on each other. I made my way to the drink bar, and ordered two drinks for Ally and I. As I was making my way back to her, I saw Alex way too close to her as he was running his hands down her thighs, and his lips on hers. "Get the fuck off of her!" I screamed, dropping the drinks and running over to the corner.

I grabbed Alex by the collar and slammed him against the wall. "You know, I don't know what the fuck you don't get about leave her alone, but this is the last time I will let you off with a warning. If you even look at her again, I will break both of your legs. Now leave." He ran away, stumbling out the door. I immediately turned to Ally and hugged her tight.

"You okay?" I asked, whispering in her ear.

"I'm fine...thank you," she replied.

I took her hand and attempted to go get another set of drinks, not leaving her alone for a second. We had obtained several rounds of drinks, and were starting to feel a bit drowsy. "Hey I think we need to,"

I paused, stumbling. "Get back to the hotel room," I continued, waving down a taxi.

We made our way to the hotel room, and I could barely fit the card in the card slot. After about 3 minutes of struggling, the door open and we both flopped down onto my bed. I took my tie and dress shirt off, and Ally unzipped her dress. We laid in bed, in our undergarments, cuddling to each other's warm skin. "Hey, I love you," I said, wrapping my arm around her.

I decided to make a bold move, I ran my hand up Ally's thigh. She sighed and looked up at me, smiling. To my relief, she let me keep my hand there. "You're beautiful," I whispered into her ear.

"Shhh no I'm not," she replied, kissing me.

As I was kissing back, I ran my hand up under her loose top and cupped her breast gently. The sexual tension between us was high, and it just became even higher. Especially when she reached over and placed her hand on my now prominent bulge, rubbing up and down my length. I had to groan softly, not letting her enjoy the teasing she was putting me through.

"I love you," I whispered into her ear. She suddenly squeezed me lightly. With that, we both drifted off to sleep, with the sexual tension rising rapidly. I knew the next morning, was going to be fun.

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