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Hey everyone! Ally and I just wanted to say a few things before we continued with "April 12th." The middle schooler mentioned in Chapters 6-7, Ava, is a real person! She's like a daughter to us, and we plan to adopt her when we're old enough.

If you have any questions or comments, please contact us on Kik at YouBeTheAnchor7 (Dylan) and YouCanBeTheAnchor (Ally). You can also send us a message over Wattpad, and we'll respond as soon as we receive the message.

We're coming up with an update schedule, as I write this. Please keep enjoying our story! We absolutely love writing it.

~Dylan and Ava

Hey guys it's Ally here, Dylan and I are really enjoying writing the story. If you want to ask us stuff, feel free to send us a message or you can message Dylan's Kik. We have different time zones, so as far as updating goes it will probably be weekends for the time being. Dylan does all the uploads (he's the smart one). We would really appreciate comments and votes. Thank you for reading our story and I hope you've enjoyed it so far.


April 12thWhere stories live. Discover now