Home At Last - Chapter 26

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Every moment I spent with Dylan the happier I became. I wasn't used to being treated so well and, I was certainly enjoying it.

I glanced at the virual map on the bright screen in front of me, by the looks of it we were not too far from home. I was both relieved to be out of hospital and going home and saddened knowing I was leaving behind such a beautiful and happy memory filled place.

Although I was in an accident, Hawaii was an amazing experience. My memory of the accident was hazy, I figured it was better that way. I'd much rather remember the good times.

My attention turned back to small TV screen which now indicaited there were only two hours until we were due to land, I smiled and clicked off the screen, relaxing back into my seat. I looked at Dylan who was laying with his arms crossed fast asleep. I giggled at the awkward positioning, imagining how complicated it must have been to fall asleep that way. He probably did it so he didnt disturb my sleep. I gently kissed his cheek realizing how lucky I was to have him as my boyfriend. In response his face wrinkled up and he muttered something, sounding quite angry.

He moved and I watched as his arms flung in my direction. Once he settled I placed my hand on his, attempting to comfort him even if he was sleeping. He breathed loudly and smiled slightly. I decided to let him sleep, he was probably exhausted from our trip.

I decided to listen to music for the remainder of the trip. Green Day was my choice and I smiled stretching back in my seat.


''Ally, psstt Ally,'' a voice expressed.

A large hand rested on my shoulder. ''Baby,'' it called again.

I opened eyes, ''We're landing in 5 minutes,''

''Dylan,'' I gushed. He gripped my hand and grinned.

''You need to put your chair up,'' I blinked, confused, my eyes still heavy with sleep.

''Here I'll do it,'' he said pressing the button on the bottom of my seat. My body lauched forward and I laughed as I sat back in my seat. My brain wasn't fully registering everything.

''Sorry, I'm not a morning person,'' I croaked.

''You were talking some of the night, something about your phone and killing it?'' He announced sounding amused and confused.

My heart sank when I began to think about the texts and messages I kept receving, I felt like I was going to be sick and the planes sideway motions were certainly not helping.

''You okay baby? Do you need a sick bag? You don't look so good,'' He worried searching for help.

''I'm okay,'' I spoke through heavy breathing placing my head between my knees. I felt like I was going to have a panic attack. I closed my eyes and counted each breath. Dylans hand landed on my back and began rubbing it in circles.


Finally we had landed and my breathing had regulated. I stood up to retrieve my bag. ''Sit down you,'' Dylan commanded.

''Fine boss,'' I laughed clearing my throat. I sat down again, my legs feeling like jelly.

''Doctors said take it easy, so you will take it easy Mrs,'' he instructed pulling down our hand luggage. He wheeled them down the narrow isle as I hobbled along behind him using the seats for support. We were the last ones off the plane so we took our time. We were open space now so I awkardly had to lean on Dylan to walk properly.

Knowing that the baggage wouldnt be at the baggage claim yet we decided to make a quick stop at Starbucks in the terminal. Dylan got a coffee and a packet of small brownies. I settled for a chocolate chip cookie and a bottle of water.

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