Lunch - Chapter 2

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Dylan's Perspective:

As I was following Ally to our history class, I took a breath and looked around the hallways. When we walked into classroom 239, the short man appeared from his desk and shook my hand. "Nice to meet you! I'm Mr. Smith, and you are?" "My name's Dylan."

I replied shyly. "Take a seat next to Ally, and we'll start class." Ally caught my eye again and I looked at her and smiled. She was so felt like she was becoming less shy with me and I with her.

"Today we'll be learning about significant dates in World War II." The neurons in my brain kicked on high and I suddenly looked at the board.

"Does anyone know the date WWII officially began?"

"September 1st, 1939 when Germany invaded Poland in their trek to take over Europe." I said, piping up with confidence.

I could feel all eyes on me and I looked at Mr. Smith. He had a huge smile on his face and his eyes were bright with astonishment. "Very good, Dylan! I'm impressed," Mr. Smith said. I looked over at Ally and she was blushing and chewing on her lower lip again. Adorable.

Suddenly, Mrs. Carmen came in and announced, "Attention! As a sort of graduation present, the school is giving all students in 12th grade an all expense paid trip to Hawaii! You will be leaving in two days and we'll call your parents tonight and let them all know."

Wow...what a first day surprise. I looked at the clock and it was already noon. Lunch time. The bell rang and I followed Ally down to the cafeteria. We sat next to each other and gagged down the seemingly horrendous school food. We talked awhile and I could feel the attraction immediately between us. This girl was special, and I was so glad she was my "buddy."

Ally's Perspective:

The day seemed to fly by, it was already lunch time and after learning that we got to visit Hawaii in a few days, I was in a pretty good mood. I'd never been to Hawaii and I'd always wanted to go. I couldn't find any of my friends anywhere so I sat down at a table with Dylan. I was so nervous talking to him but it turned out we had a lot in common. We both enjoyed the same type of music and both liked taking pictures. It was so refreshing to talk to such a gentlemen, and a handsome one at that. It was clear that he was very smart. We talked for awhile and I noticed I had not stopped smiling since we sat down.

Normally I was so shy but I felt so comfortable around him and the conversation flowed easily. He mostly asked me questions about what I liked to do and questions about school and our fellow classmates. He actually seemed interested in getting to know me.

I was starting to wonder where my friends were but I didn't mind sitting in company of this handsome guy. As I nervously tucked into my discolored pasta, I noticed the cafeteria doors open wide and the popular kids strut through. I tried not to look disgusted as they walked past the table. Which I guess I wasn't too successful at because they looked pretty angry as they were walking my way.

That was when I saw him. My ex, oh gosh Ally look away. The very guy who ruined my summer. I started biting my lip, trying to distract myself I pushed pasta around on my plate. "Ally...?" Dylan questioned.

"Um...yes sorry."

"You okay?" He asked sounding concerned.

"Yeah," I lied looking at him and then back to my plate. Suddenly I heard laughing, when I looked up I could see my ex walking straight towards me. Oh great... I sighed internally.

"What do you want?" I said.

"Uh um well," he fiddled with his shirt that was much to big for his small body. Ugh what did I see in him? His dark eyes were blinking rapidly and he looked as if he had not slept in days.

"Spit it out" I demanded, just then his best friend appeared.

"Come on man," he demanded pushing on his shoulders much too hard causing him to fly straight into me spilling my newly opened milk all over my shirt.

"Fuck sake," I spat running out of the cafeteria.

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