A Day with Her - Chapter 9

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Dylan's Perspective:

I opened my eyes the next morning and breathed in Ally's scent. She was so beautiful, and I was falling hard for her by the second. I leaned over and kissed her cheek and whispered in her ear, "Good morning." I saw her blush, and I smiled to myself. We both got up and got dressed and went down to eat breakfast. We came back up to our room and sat on our separate beds.

"Ava won't be around today, and we could go down to the beach until this afternoon, and then come back up to get ready for senior night?" I asked her, looking down every once in awhile.

"Sounds good," she said as she stepped into the bathroom to get changed for the beach.

Before she came back out, I texted Ava. "Have fun today, Ally and I will be down at the beach if you need us. Tell Mrs. Carmen where you're going before you go out." I put my swimming trunks on and took off my shirt. Ally came out in her same bikini and cover up, and we made our way down to the beach.

I was really happy that Ally seemed a lot comfortable with me, as we laid our towels down on the sand. She slipped off her cover up and we laid there together, talking about our pasts. Ally and I really bonded on the beach. I reached over and grabbed her hand when we were talking about the bad days we sometimes had.

I leaned on my elbow and sat on my side, as my eyes wandered down her beautiful body. I was so tempted to tell her I loved her, but I thought I should wait. I've only known this girl for a few days, yet I'm head over heels in love with her. She has to be the most beautiful girl I've ever seen before, I wanted her to be mine, but I knew I had to wait. "Do you want to go cool off in the water?" I asked her, looking into her gorgeous eyes.

"Sure," she said, smiling. I took her hand and we walked into the cool ocean water. 

After swimming, we figured it was time to start making our way back to the hotel room. Ally put her cover up back on, and I wrapped my arm around her waist as we walked. I swear, I smiled the whole way back. "Do you need anything?" I asked her, as she slipped into the bathroom for a shower.

"No thanks," she replied, smiling. I realized I forgot my belt in the bathroom, and figured that I would just peek my head in and get it. I had not realized the shower had turned off, but I was already standing before a half naked Ally, with just a towel wrapped around her waist.

"Dylan!" She yelled, covering herself up. After she saw my embarrassment, she giggled and handed me my belt.

"It's okay, just don't tell anyone," she stated, giggling.

Once our showers were finished, I put on a black dress shirt and purple tie, with my black slacks and shoes. Ally came out in her black lace skirt, and one shoulder purple shirt. "I promise this wasn't planned," I confessed, realizing we were matching. She just giggled and started doing her hair. I made sure mine looked acceptable, and we went out the door.

As we were walking through the lobby, I checked my phone and texted Ava. "Going to the senior party now, be safe. Be back in the room by 10." The whole car ride Ally and I were holding hands. Once we arrived at the party, we realized there were no teachers or parents. Just Seniors. 

During the party, Ally and I had a few drinks and were dancing relatively close to each other. "Hey I'm sorry about earlier," I spoke into her ear over the music.

"It's fine Dylan," she said, giggling. I could tell we both had too many drinks, and I decided we should get back to the hotel room. We called a cab and got into the hotel room. We were laughing all the way up to the room, and once we got in we both laid in my bed. Not bothering to change into our more comfortable clothes, we laid there looking into each other's eyes. I leaned in for a kiss and our lips met together. We kissed for about a minute, until I decided to muster up some courage.

"I did like what I saw earlier, though." I said, smiling. "I'm glad," she said, giggling. With that, we got up and changed into our pajamas, I texted Ava and told her to wake us up in the morning by calling my phone. Ally and I cuddled up together, just like the night before, and we drifted off to sleep. 

The next morning, we both had a hell of a hangover, and decided that a coffee and an aspirin would do us both well. I went down to breakfast, and both poured us a cup of coffee and bought a bottle of Advil for our headaches. I went back up to the room and Ally was still sleeping. "Hey beautiful," I said, putting my hand on her shoulder. Her eyes opened and she kissed me good morning. After drinking our coffee and taking some medicine, we were both feeling a lot better.

"I need to tell you something..." I said, looking into her eyes.

"Yeah...?" She asked, sort of confused.

"Even though we've only known each other for a short period of time, I wanted to tell you something before the trip was over. I love you a lot, Ally. My feelings for you have grown from the second I met you. I've been falling for you ever since the first day of school, and I have a very important question to ask you."

She smiled, blushing an insane color of red. "Will you be my girlfriend?" I asked, shyly.

"Yes," she said, smiling and looking into my eyes. We hugged and even kissed. We heard a knock on the door, and I went to answer it.

"Hey guys!" Ava said, walking in.

"Hey, how was your day yesterday with Cheyenne?" I asked her.

"It went really well, how was you and Ally's day?" Ally and I looked at each other, and blushed.

"I just asked Ally to be my girlfriend, and she said yes." I said, smiling and looking down.

"What!? That's awesome!" She said, smiling. 


Ally, you're the love of my life and I love you with all of my heart. The moment I spoke to you, was the moment I fell in love with you. I'm so proud to call you my fiance, and I cannot wait to marry you. I know long distance can be hard sometimes, but we make it work. We're stronger than ever, and we have an amazing relationship. Thank you for everything you do for me, and all the times you've forgiven me. You're the most beautiful, amazing, gorgeous, and perfect girl ever. Be mine forever. 


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