Chapter 6

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Juniya pov

Man, that guy was weird.. blonde hair, pointy ears and iridescent eyes unlike any I'd seen before in my life before. And he called me 'Taehyung.' Where do I know that name from...

"You have brothers. They go by the names Seokjin, Namjoon, and Taehyung..."

That man just confused me for a guy named Taehyung, which just happens to be the name of my 'brother.' That must mean at least one of my siblings goes to this school! I tug on Hyung Sik's sleeve. "U-umm.... I have a question." I state, still dazed at the thought of finally meeting my family.. or 'family,' I guess since they basically gave me up. My dad did, anyway, but my brothers... I might still have hope for reconnecting with them.

It might be difficult but I'll still try my best to reach out to my brothers.

"Shoot." He responds cheerfully, not quite paying attention.

"I have family here, so how would I go about finding them?" I ask. He turns to look at me. "My uncle told me my dad's name, but Dad... he didn't..." I struggle to let the word out tearlessly. No matter how indifferent to that man's opinion I am now, it stings (more than the stinging of the tears in my eyes) to know you weren't wanted.

Hyung Sik seems to notice my difficulty. "I want to help you, Juniya, but are you ready for it? It seems as though you haven't met this man in a long time." I consider his words.

I can't just go up to the man that abandoned me and just give him a tearful earful that he won't pay attention. I want him to know the daughter he could've had. "I... guess I'm not..."

"-then how about this? I'll take you to meet your student counselor." Hyung Sik suggests, tugging me toward the direction of that office. "The counselors are carefully selected volunteers. Maybe if you talk to yours, you might be able to grow strong enough to talk to your dad." We stop in front of the list of names of counselors.

I look at the window. "What's the name of my counselor?"

"Hmmm let's see." He paused a little before continuing, "It's based on your name. You're a first year, and from the small group of international students. So, you'll be going to..."

I read through the words (thanks to the pill, I actually can. Gotta love science!) and nearly faint reading the name. "Kim Seokjin."

"You have brothers. They go by Seokjin, Namjoon, and Taehyung."

In one day, I already know that two of my brothers are attending the same school as me. It would be easier to find them then.  "Offices only open after orientation, though, so he can't quite help you just yet since orientation is still happening like right n-! Hey, be careful!" Tells Hyung Sik at a tall man that nearly broke a set of lockers.

"Sorry, Sunbae." He apologizes briefly, a blush coloring his face.

"Namjoon," sighs Hyung Sik, as though this has happened before. "Just... be careful to not break the school before the first academic day."

"You have brothers. They go by Seokjin, Namjoon, and Taehyung"
Th-they're all here. All of my brothers attend this school. Uncle Ali says destiny and fate follow the path of the flow of the universe. My father tried to keep me away, but here I am.. finally taking my first step to be near him despite his attempts to shut me out.

"Sorry, Hyung Sik," groans the tall man again. "Oh," he seems to notice me and sticks his hand out. "I'm Kim Namjoon. Sorry about the almost killing you by barreling into you." He grins.

I grab his hand and shake it. "I'm Juniya bint Haniya. It's nice to meet you, Sunbae." I smile at him, hiding my tears away. Finding a long lost family member was my mission before I even thought about coming to BAM! Academia. A father, my mom. Anyone. And here I am, this close to meeting three more than I expected when I came here.

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